Monday, September 30, 2019
Rischard Review Questions
The second force, new world economy, raises emergence because businesses are now crossing borders and becoming more mobile†¦ Mom of them global. With resources moving around much more, the infrastructure needs to be updated to accommodate theses leaps. Additionally, policies and laws need to be overhauled to ensure that these organizations are playing fairly, paying the appropriate taxes, etc. 2. Why is the new world economy so radically deferent from the old world economy? The new world economy is an environment where Information and resources can Instantly span the globe with the touch of a button.The old world economy, by contrast, was a much slower place to conduct business. These days, much more work an be accomplished in the same amount of time. With computers to assist with calculations, data storage, sharing and transfer, as well as advancements in transportation, Including cars to get people to their destinations faster, trucks, planes and ships to transport goods, the new world economy moves at a much faster pace than was possible before. 3. What does Railcars mean by a crisis of complexity?Is our traditional reliance on reductionism science adequate for dealing with complexity? Explain. We have more data than before but less ways to use it. We wind up with less causal data allowing or cause and effect. As the world population grows and the new world economy adds more and more layers by way of technology advancements and globalization, the need for additional economic, social, political and environmental resources and regulations becomes more essential. 4. Describe the two big forces gap and why they are problematic.As the population grows and technology and economy evolves, we are more and more in need of solutions to the problems that we already have. The new world economy and populations keep advancing at alarming rates but the solutions to our robbers are moving along at a snail's pace. The gap between these two forces keeps widening more and more and without participation on a global scale, the problems will continue to get worse and worse. 5. What are the three new realities Influencing human Institutions? Tell how they are Influential.Hierarchy to Networks – In a hierarchy, there Is one individual making decisions. Information must be passed down through a chain of individuals, who all 1 OFF person on top is not the subject matter expert. Networks use a more flat method, where individuals or units can make decisions at lower levels, saving time and sources. The Struggling Nation State – The nation state is a structure where the political, environmental and economic systems are contained within a border. Nowadays, with globalization and migration, these lines are getting more and more blurred.Our economies are linked together and dependent upon one another, one country is taking all of the water and polluting what is left in another country and political structures are being redefined. What was once cont ained and very structured is now falling apart. A new kind of partnership – Where there was once a extinct separation between civil society, the private sector and the public sector, they are becoming more and more intertwined. Civil society has become more and more powerful with the advancement of technology and the ability to communicate instantly to other members and groups around the world.Often, group civil society have done extensive amounts of research and are subject matter experts, which are needed to solve some of these global issues. Many of these global issues cannot be solved without the cooperation of businesses and their incredible resources and massive global reach. Their innovation will be vital to getting some of these issues under control. Often times it is the interest of these companies, which moves us forward, not the interests of governments. 6. Which five of the twenty global issues Richard identifies do you think are most important? Explain your think ing.Page Education – Many underdeveloped countries are Just stuck in a rut, because they cannot get the simplest education, how washing your hand prevents the spread of bacteria or how to reduce the spread of HIVE. Simple methods could be taught on how to distribute water so that they can grow more food. Water Shortages – With arbitration becoming more popular, the need for fresh water becomes more and more off problem. Many areas are using the existing water supplies at unsustainable levels and when the water dries up, they will have a very serious problem on their hands.Commerce – The current laws were not written with commerce in mind. It did not exist then. With commerce growing at incredible rates and being conducted internationally, the laws must be rewritten to keep up with the times. Taxation – Along the same lines of commerce, as we become more global, equines is being conducted more and more across borders. Many companies and organizations are g etting away with not paying what is due. The tax code needs and overhaul with this problem considered.Intellectual Property Rights – The idea behind intellectual property rights is that if you innovate, you have the rights to that innovation and are protected from someone taking them from you. This encourages individuals and organizations to spend resources to come up with new ideas without fear of spending that investment for nothing because it was stolen. That is how things are here in the United States. Unfortunately, other countries do not recognize our intellectual property rights laws and steal other ideas which they spent resources to develop which then discourages concerns that require a global commitment or coalition to solve them?Many of these issues are too large for any one country to tackle and many of them are spilling over across borders. Many countries do not have the resources to get themselves out of the hole they are in and continue to deteriorate. Water ta ken in a country upstream deprives the country downstream of water. Pollution runs downstream and blows across borders. There are many methods which have helped developed countries get to where they are which can easily be shared to help underdeveloped countries get on their feet.Many of these problems must be dealt with from collaboration of many countries, developed and underdeveloped. 8. What are the shared characteristics that span global issues? They are planetary. Without a solution many of these issues will have drastic effects on our common future. They are urgent. The longer we wait, the more damage we do. In some cases, every year that goes by without finding solutions puts us seven years back. They are to expensive to solve in the overall scheme of things. Many of the world's problems could be solved with a small commitment of the overall GAP.They are tough. Someone has to give something up for others to gain and the interest of one's self almost always comes before the i nterests of others. None of these issues has been remedied by the current international setup. 9. Compare what Richard calls hierarchical world government with networked governance? Peggy Hierarchal Government is stacked and all decisions must go through one â€Å"leader†. Networked government is flat and each issue has â€Å"its own robber solving vehicle†, making it much more efficient. 10.What solutions other than global issues networks did Richard identify? Peggy One idea is using a 620 track. This would gather global leaders for each issue, Just as the current 620 gathers for financial issues. Another idea is a new diplomacy track and expanded concept of aid, which would assign expert diplomats who would deal directly with their foreign counterparts. This idea would also assign two budgets – one for country and one for global issues. It would also set up a global participation fund which would help developing countries participate in the global issues.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Outsourcing Information Technology and Security Essay
This can be defined as the employment done to another company by an organization for the service provision in information technology or security services rather than the use of the corporate workers in the performance of such a duty. With the growing intensity of commercial activities the concepts of strategic management has been of importance in formulating various structures and economies in the business activity. Managers have consistently understood the role played by external outsourcing. Such is done is the recognition of the economies of scale and economies in the cost factor which the organization would have been affected. The Elite Supercars can be voted in as one of the global organizations where outsourcing has never been compromised. However a deep concern into the principles of economies of cost factor have been put into consideration. Firstly, an importance is attached to the scale of adequacy in terms of levels of ability for the service provider. Since the provision of both the information technology and security services call for technical pursuits from the providers, the choice of service providers has been in recognition of their technical abilities and competencies. Either, the outsourcing activity has still been in evaluation of the cost parameters. Through this activity, the company was to get a relatively lower scale in its costs. However, a scrutiny and evaluation was done by the management in accordance with the cost factors in choosing various clients against their quality of services. The choice of the clients by the company was indeed a compliment of lower costing service sales above high quality service inputs. Above all other factors, the evaluation of the environmental factors in the activity was a factor. However the two choices were complimentarily environmental friendly within the organizational setup With Elite Supercars, outsourcing information technology and security has been important complements in its activities. This is a car manufacturing company with its roots at Singapore. However to it, outsourcing of the above two corporate factors draws a question of high concern. Firstly, with its increased manufacturing activity, the company had to outsource development of various software useful in the organization’s processes. In the 1st November 2006, the company’s CEO released a press release, where it had contracted the Northern Ferrari Hire for developing an outsourcing program through the web marketing. This was to involve various software on strategic marketing modalities. Perhaps, the impressive sales turn over embraced by the company can be credited to this fact. Through the program, the company is able to adequately provide an attractive package of marketing services to its customers. Through this method, customers have closer relationship with the company where it can adequately communicate with them through the Internet. Suchan, Charles, 2006) Some various examples show the implementation success of this activity. This activity by the organization’s implementation of the program has even driven it to its extended boundaries of its activities. The program was provisional and to a strategy in various accounting components. Firstly, it was a way of optimal costing. As an important tool in an organization, optimal costing implies efficiency in the activity performance. Optimal costing is also seen as the economical method in use of organizational resources. To the Elite Supercars, outsourcing of information technology is a complement of various efficiency-costing benefits. The information outsourcing therefore shows a big success in the company’s costing system where it has obtained various efficiencies related to the program. Through use of an external supply, the organization had various benefits ascribed to it in terms of the costs. Like an external contract, the activity itself was less costing than the use of its own staff. Either, this activity by its own required a high scale of technological know how about it. In regard to its inexperienced employees, outsourcing is still fundamental in the implementation success of the program. Elite Supercars was not strong and able enough to provide the set of competent staff allied to this facility. Either well, to the organization, the provision of a set of technical staff on information technology was not economical enough in relation to the cost factor of the broad organizational activity. However to the company, perhaps the greatest benefit from the project was the consequent development and growth of its sales turn over. Since the enactment of program, the company has continued to experience high sales volume. Above this, there have been various efficiencies in terms of the marketing factor. There has been a continued reduction in the cost of marketing through the various effecienciess and economies of scale borne out of the process. (Cantwell, Alfonso, Granstrand, 2004) Outsourcing, by the Elite Supercars on security has been fundamentally one its management activities. From the past experience in insecurity and theft of its cars at their manufacturing site, the company had to seek refuge of finding a storage facility for its cars. To the company, it chose to use the facility of storage that had been constructed by Dutch Authorities. With the same storage facility, the organization experiences lower cases of theft (if any) to its highly priced cars. Formerly, the increasing state of loss of cars had become a problem which threatened the company in being out of the industry. It had continued to get higher levels of losses through the theft of its cars. At one level therefore, the facility offered cost saving attributes through reduced scales of care theft. (Domberger, 1998) The move to use the storage facility provided by the Dutch Authorities was perhaps one of it strategic management goals. Construction of its own facility was a factor seen as increasing the level of its cost factor consequently. The construction of its own shortage facility was to involve a high level of cost factor compared to the level of its operational capacity. This is an attribute of success in the implementation of the program. Since prevention of car from theft was still a factor of consideration, the opportunity cost of not constructing its own facility was basically to be through the use of another facility. Otherwise, the loss that could accrue from the loss of the cars through theft was far beyond the cost outlay got from the payment to the external shortage. Therefore, the security outsourcing program was itself a factor of high attribute in the success of the company’s activities. To the current period, security problem is no longer an issue and the company continues to embrace the broad economies allied to these out sources. Broadly therefore, outsourcing activity by the company shows a strategic management tool towards the organization activity. The company embraces the long run benefits of these two programs.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Cause and effect for the popularity of fast food restaurants, And how Essay - 1
Cause and effect for the popularity of fast food restaurants, And how it is effecting us - Essay Example Direct links can be observed between the habitual use of fast food, the portion sizes, and the soaring increases of the proliferation of these types of restaurants. The hurried pace of life within the United States and the high profitability of fast food has caused the streets to be filled with these types of restaurants and has consequently contributed significantly to the increases that can be observed in the rates of obesity. The leading competitor in the fast food industry is McDonalds with 19% of all sales in the fast food industry going to this restaurant chain. The second corporation is Doctor’s Associates, Inc. which owns Subway at 10% of the revenue, with Yum Brands, which owns KFC, A&W, Long John Silvers, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, and Yum Restaurants coming in third. The top seven competing fast food restaurants only hold 45% of the market, with McDonald’s holding 19% of that share making them the most powerful fast food restaurant in the United States (McDonald’s MCD). Therefore, looking at McDonalds has the best value in assessing the position of fast food for the American public The profitability of fast food restaurants in balance with the quick resource of food has created a large industry of fast food within the United States. With the ease of drive-through windows, the speed of food delivery, and the high levels of advertising engaging the viewers with the value of fast, high calorie fatty foods, the American public is up against a difficult temptation. In 2007, the McDonald’s corporation made 22.8 billion dollars, with Doctor’s Associates, Inc bringing in 11.3 billion dollars (McDonald’s MCD). McDonald’s stays on top by actively pursuing areas of marketing development, market penetration, product development, and diversification. In the 2007 annual report, McDonald’s discussed the advantages and marketing purposes of adding healthy choices to their menu, however despite these changes 75%
Friday, September 27, 2019
Public Speaking, Paraphrase a poem Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Public Speaking, Paraphrase a poem - Assignment Example The animal might have been beaten by its owner, and has escaped from him. He might have been wandering through the days and nights, in the brickyards and the gutters, without eating anything that could fill him up as much as these flowers did. The bear feels that the flowers that he has eaten up have turned into beautiful fields and meadows of mustard and poppy. He feels that his stomach is filled with sunshine and rain that will convert the withered flowers back into lush and fresh flowers. The bear might have found his way to the forest after wandering through the brickyards and the parking lots, and might have joined his counterpart to whom he would have told his story of suffering, hunger, misery, and imaginative happiness. In this section, I expand and unpack the meanings in the poem. Once, there was a bear that was too fat for himself to carry around easily. He had funny wings that hung down his shoulders. He was smiling, but seemed very sad. He was wandering through the brickyards and gutters, in the month of October when autumn was in. He was feeding himself on flowers. He loved those flowers, and believed that the flowers also loved him. He thought that the flowers had been waiting there for him, lying on the gutters. For him, the flowers were very beautiful- so beautiful that it was unfair that he should have left them on the gutters and the bad brickyards and the parking lots. He wanted to pick them up, and place them in a better place, so that there beauty might not get damaged. So, he kept on eating them, believing that inside his stomach there were all the necessary elements of life, which included the sun, wind and the showers. There were winds, and birds. There were rains that occurred ever y night, and the sun rose in his stomach, giving the flowers all the necessary features of life. The bear was in love with flowers, and wanted to give life to them instead of watching them die in the autumn. The message in the poem
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Predicting Seismic Activity with Lunar Cycles Research Paper
Predicting Seismic Activity with Lunar Cycles - Research Paper Example The observations that go against the claim will also be analyzed. Observations or logics by critics against these claims will be taken into account and these will be judged and arguments made as to the strength of these claims. In the end the credibility of the predictions will be based on the evidence collected by forces pointing in favor or against this claim. The paper will be considering the lunar cycles linked with seismic activity. Minor factors used by Jim Berkland will be mentioned but the main focus will be relationship between lunar cycles and seismic activity. Predicting Seismic Activity with Lunar Cycles Introduction The earthquakes have devastating potential. The process is researched upon in detail and various theories and factors are presented over the years. The most accepted model for earthquakes is the theory of plate tectonics. The model, however, needs to be updated and many other factors contributing to earthquake that has been observed over the years needs to be incorporated. Investigations for involvement of new forces possible in earthquake predictions are under process. Some of the new indicators include the changes in ionosphere, radon emissions (radioactive element Rn 86), Earth’s magnetic field displacement and even animal behavior. These are just few indicators. Research over the years has and numbers of facts indicate the involvement of sun and moon in triggering earthquakes. As by (Pasichnyk, 2002) â€Å"In Tome Three, plate tectonics, more commonly known as continental drift, was discussed that brought forth the understanding that electrostatic forces are at work in producing tectonic plates’ dynamics. This understanding correlates solar activity and lunar phases and cycles with the triggering of earthquakes†. The subject of earthquake prediction, however, has been a matter of intense debate. There does not seem to be a general consensus. Different papers by Wyss (1997), Geller (1997), Scholz (1997) demonstra te diversity of the subject. Various seismologists base their predictions on different factors and observations. These predictions as per (Allen, 1976) must â€Å"Specify time window, space window, magnitude window, some indication of author’s confidence in reliability of prediction, indication of chances of earthquake occurring anyway as a random event and must be written and presented in accessible form so that data on failures are as easily obtained as data on success†. Bases of Predictions by Jim Berkland Jim Berkland bases his earthquake predictions mainly on the effects of gravitational tugs of the moon, sun and other planets. He also takes into account animal behavior as an indicator for an upcoming earthquake. Berkland has accurately predicted tremors based on these factors. His logics for the effects of lunar cycles on Earth’s seismic activity are discussed as under and each factor is analyzed in detail. Tides The gravitational pull of the moon is respo nsible for the ocean tides. This pull also acts on the crust; however, the effect is not enough. Recent studies have shown correlation between tides and earthquakes. Study by (Cochran, 2004) describes this relation â€Å"Study using global data hinted at an earthquake-tide correlation, suggesting that reverse and normal earthquakes correlate either with shear stress or the trace of the stress†. This correlation as per studies and observations
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Study proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Study - Research Proposal Example to Isabel Cavill – a senior retail analyst who specializes in luxury retail markets mentioned that China’s retail market can increase up to 14% between 2012 to 2013 (Red Luxury, 2012). To examine the impact of China’s economic growth on the luxury fashion market, this study will conduct a primary research survey study to determine the consumers’ willingness to spend on luxury goods in times of a strong economic growth. Basically, the first part of the proposed research methodology will focus on identifying the demographic profile of the research survey participants whereas the second part will focus on determining consumers’ purchasing habit in times of economic growth. (See Appendix I on page 5) A descriptive statistics such as the computation of frequency and percentage will be used to measure the research survey respondents’ demographic profile. Using anchors of 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree, a five-point Likert scale type of research questions will be used to determine the Chinese consumers’ willingness to purchase luxury items in times of economic growth (David and Sutton, p. 167). Branigan, T. (2011, April 26). The Guardian. Retrieved May 13, 2012, from Chinas taste for high-end fashion and luxury brands reaches new heights: Vogue China editions the size of a doorstop, 960,000 millionaires and rising, and now the aspirational class are buying: Hutzler, K. (2011, July 20). Luxury Daily. Retrieved May 13, 2012, from Chinese fashion market to triple in size over next 10 years: BCG: Red Luxury. (2012, February 15). Retrieved May 24, 2012, from How Does a Shifting Economy Impact China’s Luxury Market?:
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
International Business - Essay Example that are very well suited to the regions they operate, the cultural difference in different in different nations may not be found with the small business enterprise as we see in with large companies with high volume of operations. Create logistic support for the small companies or enable them to use the economical logistic resources with funding their activities through the public owned means of transport. Liberalization of aviation policies for transport among the regional trading block countries. The governments should form forums and communities for developing the multinational business etiquettes and cultural knowledge to enable the small companies’ leadership team to be more constructive in enhancing the business terms. Governments should provide consulting advisory boards on the industries, functions specific to enhance the knowledge about the opportunities for the small companies with respect to business volumes, clientele and consumer
Monday, September 23, 2019
History Discussion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7
History Discussion - Research Paper Example election system, four critical elements were highlighted, namely: the nomination of candidates, the Electoral College, the popular electors’ election, and the presidential election in the house when none of the candidates receives a majority in the process. Further, the campaigns were more of the candidate’s regional rivalries and personality than divisive national issue and partisan politics. In fact, candidates did not campaign, but the actual campaigning exercise was carried out by surrogates and mangers, with various partisans speaking and writing in candidates’ favor throughout the year. The presidential election involved three key figures in the History of America, and was decided in the House of Representatives. Here, one man won, the other helped him win, yet another one stormed out of Washington criticizing the whole affair as â€Å" a corrupt bargain†The dubious elections of 1824 was known as the most controversial of all the elections in American history. It was as much a race of favorite sons as it was a disagreement over policy, though positions on international improvements and tariffs did create some noticeable conflicts. In general, the contestants were favored by varying parts of the country. Jackson was strong in the West, South, and mid-Atlantic, Adams in the northeast, Henry Clay in some parts of the West, while William H. Crawford was strong in the East. The secretary of War at the time, John C. Calhoun, was initially the fifth candidate at the beginning consideration, but rather opted to contest for the vice presidency. Afterward, he backed Jackson once he sensed that Crawford would be more popular in the South. Jackson and Adams supporters backed Calhoun, thus giving him an effortless majority of votes for vice presidency. The 1824 presidential election was characterized by many forms. Well known tunes which were lyrically sang, were used to promote presidential candidates and their political agendas. Newsprints were also circulated
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Stereotypes and Their Effects Essay Example for Free
Stereotypes and Their Effects Essay There are positive and negative stereotypes, which are general impressions about particular social groups or race. People judge and discriminate people, thus, failing to know the real attributes or character of the stereotyped group. Negative stereotypes, like Asian women, are aggressive sexual beings. These result in a negative image, pressures in conformity, and cross-cultural misinterpretations of issues (2008). Western films and literature promoted the above mentioned image of Asian women, portrayed as â€Å"Geishas†, war brides, or even prostitutes. This portrayal as sex objects has adversely affected the womens image even if they are raised by decent and rich families. These women have also attended prestigious schools, with a slim chance of receiving equal treatment with the Western women. Asian women are perceived as mail-order brides and objects of pornography. In addition to this, the stereotype has been gaining grounds due to the widespread pornography, especially through the internet. This exploitation of women has contributed to the demeaning of the womens status in society. Movies present women in a manner wherein the Caucasians overpower the Asians. These portrayals continue to degrade the intellectual capabilities of Asian women. They are considered as mere sexual beings even if the majority lived decent lives, acquiring higher education in prestigious schools. They even adapted Western influences through their academic and social environments. These negative stereotypes resulted in associating Asian women as sexual objects. Such developed into a continuous struggle for Asian women to redeem themselves. These women, unknown to many, have surpassed the intellectual capabilities of other men their age. Others have unknowingly contributed to the technological advances, and in the promotion of education in their country. No matter how hard these women try to fit in the competitive society, they are still perceived as inferior to Western people. Works Cited â€Å"Definition of Stereotypes†. About. com: Race Relations. 24 March 2008. http://racerelations. about. com/od/stereotypesmentalmodels/g/stereotypes. htm â€Å"Stereotypes of Asians†. BookRags. 24 March 2008.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Islam Worksheet Essay Example for Free
Islam Worksheet Essay When studying Islam, it is important to understand the essential elements of the faith, how they are practiced, and the distinctions among the three branches: Shiite Islam, Sunni Islam, and Sufism. Write a 1- to 2-paragraph response for each of the following directives and note where there are differences among the three branches of Islam. 1. Explain the meaning of the name, Islam. Islam is the monotheistic religion articulated by the Quran, a text considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God, and by the teachings and normative example (called the Sunnah and composed of Hadith) of Muhammad, [ considered by them to be the last prophet of God. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim. 2. Explain the basic concepts of Islam. Is an unerringly monotheistic religion. It enjoins the existence of one God, his prophet Muhammad who is the Last Prophet in a long line of prophets sent throughout time and to every civilization, and the Quran as the Word of God revealed to Muhammad through the angel Jibrael. Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable and the purpose of life is to worship him and to adhere to his word, as laid down in the Quran, and in Sunnah , as closely as possible. They believe that Islam is the final, completed and universal version of a faith revealed too many prophets before; most notably Abraham, Moses and Jesus, but whose message has now been distorted. Describe the practices of Islam. They go to church in cathedral mosques (Jamia), in which sermons are preached and congregational prayers are offered up for the reigning Sultan every Friday. Besides these there are about one hundred and eighty Muslim oratories or chapels (Mesjà ®d), to many of which schools are attached. Prayers are also frequently said at the grated windows of the little shrines or tomb-houses of celebrated welys, or saints, which are numerous in Damascus. Men of the higher classes rarely go to the mosques except on Fridays, as they can command proper places for ceremonial ablution and prayer in their own houses; but to a Muslim of the lower ranks, a large mosque which is open every day from sunrise to sunset or later, is like a second home. 3. Describe the goals of Islam. The 4. Describe the view of authority in Islam. philosophy, and the arts in the Muslim world. Write a 1- to 2-paragraph response for each of the following questions. Provide examples to illustrate your thinking. 1. What is the legal ideal in Islamic law? How does the Qur’an inform and guide Muslims in attaining this ideal? 2. What is the relationship between philosophy and theology within Islam? Is it acceptable for Muslims to hold separate philosophical and theological beliefs? 3. What artistic themes are regularly expressed in Islamic art and architecture? How are these themes explored? How has the Qur’an influenced the development of art in the Islamic world?
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