Thursday, October 31, 2019
Research and Analysis of Business Problems in AMR Corporation Paper
And Analysis of Business Problems in AMR Corporation - Research Paper Example In our project, we begin by identifying the position of the company that we are studying. In this, we use mainly the vision, mission, core values, and the stakeholders of this organization. This has been actually necessary since it helped us to understanding the decision-making framework of this company that we later used in the problem identification and problem finding. We also identified the decision making model used by this company and some of the human factors that affects the decision making process in this organization. After this, we later identified the problems that are faced by this company and analyze their importance, severity, and urgency to help us in the prioritization of those problems. After prioritization, we identify the one that requires to be addressed first and we go on in identifying the possible alternatives to this problem. We later analyze our alternatives to obtain the solution to our problem and thus decide the implementation process we will undertake. W e later analysis the implementation process using feasibility analysis, cost/benefit analysis and ethical screening to determine whether the implementation process is worth undertaking. ... However, in this research I did not include the budget of the implementation process and the actual cost that the company might expect to incur during the project undertaking. I thus would like to propose that a small research on the materials and equipment needed and their costs be done before implementation to give the company the actual cost of undertaking this problem solution. Position AMR Corporation is a group of companies operating in the aviation sector.This corporation has two airline subsidiaries, which are American Airlines and AMR Eagle Holding Corporation. These two subsidiaries have various divisions. The key person in this Corporation is Thomas W. Horton who is both the president and the CEO. AMR Corporation is a public companythat offers transportation services majoring in airline services. It has very high operating cost and net income that results to high total income. It has a property in London as well as other places.Previously it has acquired several certificat ed airline holdings to expand its operations. Moreover, being a public organization it has several stakeholders like employees, shareholder, passengers, NGOs and government bodies (American Airline 2012). Vision Statement The Vision of AMR Corporation is to have a sustainable future where it could minimize its operation cost, while maintaining high quality and reliable services to its customers and at the same time offer good working environment for employees. Mission statement Providing exceptional services and amenities in order to provide an enjoyable, comfortable and convenient experience on our airline (American Airline 2012) Mission statement of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Phase 3 Discussion Board Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Phase 3 Discussion Board - Assignment Example The stakeholder management process is required in order to enhance the stakeholder communication plans. Expectations are constructed and established in a stakeholder management process in order to manage the communication process between several stakeholders in an organization. The stakeholder management process helps an organization to make an administrative decision, project coverage and financial support that is an effective part of the communication process. It helps to avoid the negative impact on the communication process. Effective stakeholder management process supports to gather effective information about the stakeholders’ views that helps to execute the communication process transparently and smoothly. Overall, the stakeholder management process helps to develop a positive image of the specific upcoming future projects for public, neighbors and other stakeholders. Answer 2 The leading organizations around the globe are trying to capitalize on the opportunities that have been developed due to the advanced technology and globalization. Electronic communication has become the most important medium for every large and small organization. It helps to research every necessary thing. Moreover, they can buy information from online and can sell or share the information thorough online. E-mail is the major contributor to the organizations for sharing of ideas. Every decisions of an organization generally shared through e-mail. The leading and large global organizations generally use e-mail to keep track of products, availability of products, stock, profit and loss. Very few individuals within an organization are not familiar with this specific process. Now-a-days, major of the employees within an organization have access to company e-mail. This process helps to develop a healthy workplace environment (Hill, 2009). Moreover, this process helps to bring space in the project communication process. The organization even recruits and select new employees buy and sell small products and business through the help of internet. Now-a-days, several organizations around the globe are tending to implement internet meetings, such as meeting through Skype has helped both the employees and employers to save their effective time. This process has helped the organizations to improve project management and communication process. Answer 3 Strategic information associated with project communication processes are shared through documents. Effective project management process needs almost 50 various types of documents for tracking, planning, communicating and reporting. Resource spreadsheets, feasibility studies, supplier contracts, change request forms, financial and project communication plans, implementation reviews, project status reports and several collaborative communication degrees are required ingredients in a successful project communication process that can be shared through the documents. Several important notice and reports are also need t o be shared through documents. Documents play an important role in the project communication process. The major aim of sharing information through document is effective planning, execution and closure of a project management and communication process (Berman, 2007). Appropriate utilization of documents can increase the effectiveness and transparency of a specific project communication process. The stakeholder management process
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Gender and Pornography
Gender and Pornography Introduction Throughout history women have been portrayed as subordinates of men or the weaker gender. This essay explores the portrayal of femininity as the weaker gender through the discourse on pornography and femininity portrayed in popular culture. Its purpose is to broaden the understanding of femininity- gender discourse from the perspectives of pornography and femininity portrayed in popular culture. In order words, how does the perception of pornography and the portrayal of femininity in popular culture emphasise the weaker gender perception of femininity? Therefore, the purpose of this essay is clear but the lingering question is how it can be achieved. In this regard, the essay advances four propositions. The first section provides a conceptual understanding of gender and femininity for analytical discourse. The second section critically explores the femininity- gender discourse within a legal structure and questions like is femininity the weaker gender? How and why femininity is portr ayed in this regard come up for discussion. This will also be discussed in relation to how femininity gendered roles disadvantages women. The section that follows critically analyses the law on pornography and femininity nexus. The third section critically explores how femininity is depicted in the media. The last is the summary and the conclusion. What is Gender? Gender can be defined in many ways. Sociologists contend that gender is a consequence of nature resulting from the effect of hormones, brains or genes of two different sexes.[1] However, this essay will explain Butlers perspective and views on gender. According to Butler, gender is defined as a social construct formed through constant cultural reinforcement and rigorous regulatory practices.[2] Hence, gender is associated with how an individual takes part in certain manners of conduct. In order words, through everyday practices or actions, laws, dress codes, taboos, pornography and advertisement the conception of essential masculinity and femininity is developed. Butler asserts that gender operates from the cultural associations and values that the sexed body takes on.[3] This creates the concept of essentialism. Essentialism is defined as the characteristics of persons or groups which are largely similar in all human cultures and historical periods, since they are significantly infl uenced by biological factors.[4] Through the course of essentialism, gender roles are created in the society and are related to an individuals sex. Gender essentialism often creates stereotypes in relation to the behavioural pattern that should be exhibited by men and women. The problem with this is that the perceptions of gender is not fixed and changes from culture to culture, society to society as well as generation to generation and within these confines changes and evolves. Therefore, the rationale behind social constructs of masculinity and femininity being associated with a particular biological sex is void. Butler asserts that taken into its logical limits, the sex-gender distinction suggests a radical discontinuity between sexed bodies and culturally constructed genders.[5] For Butler, there is no need for a doer behind the deed but the doer be constructed through the deed.[6] In terms of understanding identity, the distinction between gender and sex must be established. Hence, the concept of gender and sex has been used interrelatedly. While sex involves the biological aspects thus distinct and unchangeable, gender is a social construct formulated by the culture in which an individual lives in.[7] Therefore the labels man and woman are biologically and socially different.[8] The importance posited on this distinction is that the biological fact of sex is merely a fact of interest as a result of the cultural importance attached to it.[9] This categorisation usually begins from childbirth and parents are required by the law to specify whether the sex is male or female. The traditional ideology concerning gender and sexuality involves the notion of heteronormativity which relates to the idea of heterosexuality as the natural and normal behaviour in the society.[10] However, sexuality is natural and normative if it if it fits into the context of heterosexuali ty. Femininity Shea describes femininity as the classified set of attributes, behaviours, mannerism, interests, expectations, roles and appearances that are associated with being female.[11] Under Butlers view of repeated acts appropriate gender-specific roles are formed. Simone Beauvoir contends that one is not born, but rather becomes a woman.[12] She further asserts that the concept of femininity is actualised by consistently creating gender through interacting with individuals in a specific social context.[13] Women can be different things; they can be wives, mothers, lesbians, heterosexuals and criminals.[14] However, Butler does not allude that the individual can choose which gender he or she wants to enact but the script is invariably already determined within a regulatory framework and the individual is given a limited number of costumes in which he or she is obliged to make a particular choice of gender style.[15] Butler describes this act as girling the girl[16] it is important to note th at though essential femininity relates to women, men can also exhibit essential feminine traits likewise women exhibiting essential masculine traits.[17] This alteration of societys binary gender roles is described as gender nonconformity. Therefore, if a woman does not fit into this premeditated identity formulated by law and society her essence could be invisible. [18] Gender Performance According to Butler, gender is performative. She defines performativity by stating; gender is in no way a stable identity of locus of agency from which various acts proceed; rather, it is an identity tenuously constituted in time [. . .] an identity instituted through the stylization of the body and, hence, must be understood as the mundane way in which bodily gestures, movements, and enactments of various kinds constitute the illusion of an abiding gendered self.[19] She argues that gender and gender roles are social acts that an individual performs in daily life, the hegemonic versions of which underlay prevalent concepts of male as masculine and female as feminine.[20] Zimmerman further contends that a persons gender is categorised based on how they perform it.[21] Therefore, the way society reacts to gender performances forms gender identification. Men and women in the society are required to comply with specific gender roles according to the sex in which they are categorized. Oa kley states that gender roles have an important impact on human lives as numerous reports suggests that gender are culturally rather than biologically produced[22] Conclusively, individuals are taught on how they are expected to behave within the society. Traditional stereotypes associated with men described them as protectors, providers, openminded and aggressive whereas women were perceived to be weak, passive and emotional.[23] These stereotypes have shaped the way masculinity is seen as the stronger gender and femininity as the weaker gender. Hence, this essay argues that feminine norms regularly relegates women to subordinate or secondary roles and performing such gendered roles disadvantages women in the society. This aspect of the essay focuses on gendered objectification of women. Objectification described as the act of objectifying an individual is often significantly gendered (mostly towards females) and, vital towards the process of gendering a person and rendering them a s lesser human beings.[24] In western society, the pressure on females to perform an ideal expression of femininity is so extreme that it is impossible for a woman to be adequately skinny, beautiful, submissive, sexy and conventional so as to be seen as a good woman.[25] Women tend to be dehumanised even in situations where they perform their gender roles according to hegemonic norms.[26] Ironically, they are being dehumanised for performing their gendered roles. Objectification acts as one basis against which the gender binary criticises womens gender performance irrespective of appropriate performance of gender norms. They are constantly ridiculed as merely weak tools for emotional and sexual satisfaction of other people.[27] Performing gender tends to objectify women and this objectification goes beyond sexual objectification. Arguably, when a woman performs the role of motherhood, she is required to prioritise the needs of her child over that of herself thereby treating herself as an object through which the physical and emotional desires of the child are sustained. This can be regarded as an extremely gendered experience as society does not require fathers to give the same level of care and treatment a woman gives to a child. This can be considered as demanding because it requires placing a childs needs ahead of the mothers. Although, these occasions themselves are episodic, their repetition and reiteration in addition to the background discourse of the good selfless mother[28] provides a structure to legitimise the treatment of women as objects that nurture children into adulthood.[29] This can be partially attributed to social customs which dictate that good mothers take care of their wards and their failure to perform motherhood brings about punishments ranging from social alienation to government intervention and loss of parental privileges.[30] Conclusively, feminist theories of objectification have classified it as a universal problem that mainly affects women. However, they mostly define it based on the constant repetition and reiteration of episodic experiences rather than why it occurs. Wilson contendsthat By using Butlers theory of gender performativity to analyse the structure of gender it seems that we can redefine objectification as a systemic occurrence that is significantly gendered and also important to the very process of constituting gendered categories.[31] Pornography Several definitions of pornography exist from debates surrounding it. Joel Feinberg gives a broad definition of pornography as sexually explicit writing and pictures designed entirely and plausibly to induce sexual excitement in the reader.[32] Dworkin and MacKinnon state that The bigotry and contempt pornography promotes, with the acts of aggression it fosters, diminish opportunities for equality of rights in employment, education, property, public accommodations and public services.[33] This critique states that pornography is more than just a sexual fantasy but rather recognised discriminatory acts against women with damaging effects.[34] Williams asserts that pornography as a genre proves to be more about gender than sex.[35] Under UK law, there exist no definition of pornography instead it relies on the concept of obscenity.[36] Hence, pornography is regulated under the Obscene Publications Act 1959 and 1964 and Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 which establishes the cri minality of pornography on appropriate pornography and appropriate sexual expression.[37] Section 1 of the OPA 1959 states an article shall be deemed obscene if its effect or the effect of any one of its items is, if taken as a whole, tends to deprave and corrupt persons who are likely, having regard to all relevant circumstances, to read, see or hear the matter contained or embodied in it.[38] Therefore, the threshold test drawn from the case R v Hicklin[39] is whether the tendency of the matter charged as obscenity is to deprave and corrupt those whose minds are open to such immoral influences, and into whose hands a publication of this sort may fall.[40] In regards to this, section 63 of the CJIA 2008 outlaws the possession of an extreme pornographic image. It states that an image is pornographic if it is of such a nature that it must reasonably be assumed to have been produced solely or principally for the purpose of sexual arousal.[41] Justice Stewart in the case Jacobellis v O hio[42] commented on obscenity, stating that I know it when I see it.[43] Hence, what this depicts is that what may be perceived as obscene to a group may be normal to another. The deductions that can be made from the above Acts, shows that, Article 10 of the Human Rights Act 1998 will permit any action that does not violate the law against obscenity. This is rendered problematic as the messages pornography relays should not be protected under free speech, neither should the effect it ultimately has on gendered roles especially on femininity.[44] Hence, this essay contends that any form of pornography is harmful in the society as they send negative messages about gender roles. Scoular opines that pornography is a political statement of womens inequality rather than a sexual imagery for pleasure.[45] However, Dworkin argues that the way pornography is seen to be sexual depictions and representations about sex indisputably emphasizes how the society views femininity.[46] For the purposes of this essay, four elements of subordination of femininity will be discussed. These are; hierarchy, the dynamic of dominance and submission, violence and objectification. Foucaults concept of texts of pornography and society can be used in explaining the concept of hierarchy.[47] Men tend to define feminine sexuality through images and writings.[48] Fiedler states that pornography is produced mainly by men for men, using womens bodies as objects for male pleasure.[49] Men through pornography tend to portray the female gender role as inferior and how it should be performed. Such characterisation has an adverse effect on feminine roles in the society as traditional social norms usually associates masculinity with certain traits (dominance, power, superiority) while femininity with (submissiveness, weakness, inferiority).[50] According to Dworkin Pornography is the material means of sexualizing inequality and that is why pornography is a central practice in the subordi nation of women.[51] Pornography is initially presented as a sexual imagery for erotic satisfaction, but in-depth assessment depicts that it is rather a political statement portraying feminine inequality. Scoular supports by asserting that, pornography is a powerful depiction of feminine subordination and inequality, societal degradation and emphasising the phallocentric hierarchical power of men over women.[52] Inequality is sexualized; the relationship between masculinity and femininity is that of dominance and submission, which is constantly played out during sexual intercourse, which defines sex as a man being possessive or domineering and a woman submitting to a man.[53] MacKinnon believes that pornography is an ideal representation which displays masculine dominance and feminine submission, and describes it as a political campaign by the strong against the weak (males against females) that legitimizes, sexualizes and permits abuse against women.[54] Masculine dominance and feminine submission also exist in soft-core pornography for example Vogue Magazine or Calvin Klein commercials where women are depicted as being desperate to be taken and used by men.[55] It is noteworthy that the dominant and submissive representation is not limited to only heterosexual pornography but also lesbian pornography. Arguably, some women prefer to play the submissive role, however, this is due to the ment ality instilled by the sexist power structures that they are meant to enjoy these acts[56]. Deckha contends that females who claim to enjoy performing a submissive role do so because they have been brainwashed into believing that it is required of them to do so.[57] The argument as regards to lesbian pornography is that, even with the absence of men, this still represents the patriarchal power structure through the representation of the butch lesbian controlling the femme lesbian.[58] As explained earlier, there is a possibility that without the influence of the sexist power structure, these individuals might have different opinions as to what they actually prefer. Therefore, the constant repetition and reiteration of these constructed identities of masculine dominance and feminine submission tends to be classified as the norm in the society. According to Dworkin, not only does pornography cause violence against women, it is violence.[59] Violence towards women either in physical or psychological form tends to be the norm in modern society. Men believe that they can commit these acts, either as a means of enjoyment or an assertion of masculine dominance. Feminists believe that images of women being bound, tortured, raped, degraded or murdered for sexual stimulation and satisfaction creates a psychological link between sexuality and violence, and teaches men that women are easy targets, masochistic, hypersexual, and a sexual plaything, who derive pleasure from being pushed around, and that violence in itself is a sexual turn-on. Such portrayal teaches women to feel passive and helpless and to assent to victimization.[60] Reports from a research conducted in America on the commonness of verbal or physical aggression in pornographic contents show that of the 304 scenes studied, 88.2% included physical aggression and 48.7% of scenes contained verbal aggression with the perpetrators usually the male and the female being the victims.[61] Because of the way femininity is portrayed, people tend not to be interested in the fact that women are actually hurt even in violent pornography. Cole compares this by stating that just as behind a faà §ade of marital bliss there could be a battered wife, likewise, behind the appearance of consent and pleasure in pornography, there could be rape and violation.[62] Furthermore, numerous debates have emanated concerning if there is any correlation between pornography and sexual violence. In the case of Coutts[63], Jane Longhurst died during asphyxial sex with a man that had a tendency for extreme pornography involving rape, necrophilia and asphyxiation. After this incident, the CJIA 2008 was implemented to ban the possession of extreme pornographic materials.[64] From this, it can be perceived that this act was created because pornographic contents could influence people to commit sexual abuse. Barry emphasises that pornography can significantly influence human behaviour and numerous behavioural scientists support this position as witnessed in their dealing with sex offenders.[65] MacKinnon also opines by stating that the subscribers of violent pornography are also interested in practicing it.[66] Andrei Chikatilo, who was a Russian killer, responsible for the murder of over 53 women and children blamed pornography to be the cause of his suicida l behaviour[67]. The evidence above depicts that, there is a strong link between violence and men who watch pornography. Fredrickson and Roberts define objectification as being treated as a body (or collection of body parts) valued predominantly for its use to (or consumption by) others.[68] MacKinnon asserts that pornography tends to objectify women, exploit their sexuality for mens pleasure, and portrays sex roles in which women are inferior, violated or subject to physical abuse.[69] Dworkin describes sexual objectification as occurring when a human being, through social means, is made less than human, turned into a thing or commodity, bought and sold.[70] Women tend to be inhumanely objectified and displayed as objects for the sexual satisfaction of men. For example, both men and women magazines are based around eroticised images of women viewing them as sexual objects basically used to satisfy or provoke the desires and attention of readers. The editor of a UK magazine Esquire stated in an article that women were objectified in various publications (both male and female) stating that we provide pi ctures of girls in the same way we provide pictures of cool cars. It is ornamental.[71] By using pictures of women primed for sexual pleasure amongst advertisement of fine cars and good scotch portrays women as commodities that can be easily bought. Arguably, a reason why people fail to link acts associated with pornography is because such acts are seen as ordinary in the society. Society tends to define the images portrayed by pornography as normal and ordinary, therefore, if pornography is seen as the ordinary, it cannot be harmful to women. In recent times, concerns have been raised about the objectification of women in society. Clare Short a former Labour M.P introduced a piece of draft legislation advocating for the ban of Page 3 of The Sun newspaper which Caroline Lucas had criticised for normalising the notion that womens primary function is to titillate men.[72]Therefore, this raises awareness of the backward, damaging and hypocritical media treatment of female bodies and th e society becoming more sympathetic of the plight of womens objectification.[73] Gender essentialism also exists in objectification. Collins believes that black femininity is differently represented from white femininity.[74] Black women are mostly presented to be breeders, raped for pleasure and profit of their owners in interracial pornography which is a recreation of the colonial slavery a period when black women were used as sex objects for the pleasure of white men.[75] This also reflects the hierarchical system of race as Walker states, that where white women are depicted in pornography as objects, black women as depicted as animals.[76] The portrayal of black women as animals reiterates their lesser status in the society. Therefore, whilst white women face gender objectification as gendered oppression, black women deal with both racial and gendered oppression. A critique against obscenity laws in the UK, is the inability to protect women from the violence and objectification which pornography portrays but rather focuses on what is regarded as prurient inte rests.[77] Conclusively, the way masculinity is portrayed in pornography influences male attitudes towards the treatment of women as the weaker gender. Jensen highlights that the sexual violence and cruelty that characterizes much pornography, and to the evident pleasure that men take in viewing this material, evidence that there are serious problems with our understandings of what it is to be a man today.[78] Additionally, the similarity between the portrayal of masculinity in reality and in pornography is that to be classified as a real man, one is supposed to be aggressive, dominating and controlling. Green asserts that in gay pornography, where there is a female absence, there is a contention that one of the men performs the role which patriarchal sexuality assigns to women; the role of receptivity, passivity, subordination. This confirms that, we can have women without having any females.[79] The portrayal of masculinity in pornography has an influence on how men view women in society. Hence, it can be concluded that pornography certainly plays an important role in the construction of femininity as weak. Popular Culture James Rosenau defines media as a label that is presently in vogue to account for peoples, activities, norms ideas, goods, services, and currencies that are decreasingly confined to a particular geographic space and its local and established practices.[80] The mass media is one of the most universal and powerful vices influencing how men and women are viewed in the society. Intertwined through our everyday lives, the media integrates messages into human consciousness at every opportunity. Different forms of media convey images of the sexes, which disseminates biased, stereotypical, and limiting perceptions.[81] Hence, this essay argues that all forms of media sends negative subliminal and stereotypical messages about female gender roles in the society and the portrayal of an ideal woman as shown in the media is harmful. In recent years, the representation of femininity in the media has constantly exploited women merely portraying them as trophies to be won or objects to be shown off. It has also established a standard of beauty that women are compared to either by men or by the women themselves. Swami asserts that In patriarchal societies, the roles and privileges accorded to women are inferior to those assigned to men, and as such, sexism plays a central role in the continuing oppression of women.[82] Reiterating the beauty ideals are oppressive (BIO) hypothesis, the existent patriarchal structures and attitudes influences the relationship that exists between sexist attitudes and the endorsement of beauty ideals and practices.[83] Craft asserts that physical features such as attractiveness and thinness are the requirements for women in news media rather than intellectual capabilities expected from their male counterparts. (Craft, 1988; Sanders Rock, 1988). The media creates an imagery of two that of women that exist namely the good women and the bad women. A good woman is supposed to be respectful and mainly focused on taking care of her home. Subordinate to the male gender, they are usually represented in films as victims, supportive wives and helpers. Though, women who defy the traditional roles are represented positively, this is done either by making their alienating career lives like Claire Huxtable on The Cosby Show, whose career engagement in family matters was well portrayed while her career as an attorney was alienated. or feminizing careerwomen so as to align them with the traditional aspect of femininity. The producer of the show Cagney and Lacey Barney Rosenzweig complained, These women arent soft enough. These women arent feminine enough regarding the characters of the actresses thereby illustrating the medias bias towards favouring traditional femininity. Faludi asserts that for female gender to be considered as successfu l, it is necessary to portray the traditional stereotypes of femininity and maintain an identity dependent on the male gender who
Friday, October 25, 2019
Comparing Good vs. Evil in Sherlock Holmes and Dracula Essay -- compar
Good vs. Evil in Sherlock Holmes vs. Dracula It is all too often that literary critics read literature and then sift it into good and bad pieces, critiquing its value or mediocrity. However, it needs to be pointed out that this onerous task of "analyzing literature" for literary devices need not be the basis for placing value and worth on literature. Additionally, it is a great misunderstanding in society's education system that students need to learn what makes a good book solely by its use of literary devices. It's about time students read books for recreation and be able to express in their own words why the books are great or not so great. Most importantly, the lessons each book teaches students must be learned individually. People cannot be told what the book is trying to communicate, they must learn it for themselves. This is what makes books noteworthy, and this is why Sherlock Holmes vs. Dracula by Loren D. Estleman is an extraordinary book. It is a book people can enjoy for entertainment motives rather than for its devices of sound, syntax, and omniscient point of view. Through the story of good versus evil, Estleman entertains the readers of The Adventure of the Sanguinary Count (the other title) to make a great novel. In SHVD*, there are two protagonists: Sherlock Holmes, the famous detective residing at 221B Baker StreetÝ; and Dracula, the notorious count of Transylvania. To put aside all presumptions, ostensible facts, and popular stereotypes, it is necessary to examine who represents good and who represents evil. That is quite obvious. Aha! For those who agreed to that last sentence, sham... ...Jacqueline Roehl, "Sometimes a book is just a book." Notes *SHVD is referring to the title of the book in order to save paper space. ÝKudos to those who knew that. Woe and shame to those who didn't, obviously you aren't an English Literature "expert" are you?, or you would have known that. If you do not consider someone who sells his soul to the devil as evil, you really scare me, so do everyone a favor and read something good like the Bible.  §I submit that good and evil cannot co-exist if the interest of one hinders upon the interest of the other. *If your friends say this, it's time to get new friends or check your hearing. Do you say this? †¢This is merely an example. If it makes you feel better, fill in your own example. Nevertheless, you get the point.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Best/Worst Teacher
Dear Mrs. Jane: My name is Jessica Smith, I was a 5th grade student of yours in during the 1996/1997 school year. At that time you may have known me as Jessica Cuevas. I am now in college pursuing a career in teaching. Recently I have been asked to write a letter to my favorite teacher and you were the first to pop in mind. Till this day I can think back and remember sitting in your class the first day of school, your desk and chalkboard outlined  with your collection of trolls! I knew right then that you were going to be a fun teacher.I remember being confused because there was no wall separating us from the the other classroom (Mrs. Sue’s 5th grade class), yet excited to hear what it was all about. Before attending your class I wasn't very engaged in learning or going to school, I didn't have many friends, I had just moved to town the year before. As soon as that day ended I went home eager to return to school the next day, and this feeling never changed for the whole yea r. You were always smiling, and very energetic when you interacted with our class.When you would explain our assignments you would get us excited and make it into a competition with our neighboring class. The marbles in the Jar, oh.. how i loved this on going game. The winning class had an option to pick from many random prizes. My favorite was the half day reading parties. We would bring our pillows and blankets from home and for the first half of the day we would read, and the second half we could play board games, listen to music, or watch movies. I was always motivated to do my best and to try my hardest,  in order to win the marbles.You had many ways of keeping me excited,motivated and interested in going to school. You opened my eyes to a fun,creative learning environment. You made feel like a friend and not just some student. I hope to someday be able to inspire students as you have inspired me. Thank you for making a wonderful impact so early in my life. I will carry thos e values throughout my teaching career. Sincerely, Jessica Smith Worst Teacher Letter Dear Mr. John: Teaching is not for everyone.I can understand how teaching high school students can be annoying and frustrating at times. We have multiple mood swings, and are trying to figure out how to fit in, however i don't feel that we should be ignored or treated like robots with no feeling. School should be a place we feel comfortable to go to on a daily bases, teachers should always be someone we can talk to and ask questions . From the very first day of class you came across as very strict and rude. You gave us one direction that we were to follow each and every day for the rest of the school year.That was to always bring our book to class, outline the chapter, answer the questions to the chapter, and do the written essay at the end of the chapter, everything should be completed and placed on your desk as we walked out. We were not to talk, get out of our seats or ask questions. No exceptio ns! Zero tolerance you made sure to get that point across. One day I forgot my book at home, I felt intimidated to go to class not knowing how you would react, other teachers would have just let me share with another classmate but not you.You made me stand in front of the classroom the whole period holding the eraser against the chalkboard. It was pretty humiliating, on the bright side of things I never forgot my book again. Every day was the same thing, just a different chapter. You wouldn't even greet us when we walked thru the door, we would just sit and get started. You sat at your desk reading books,newspaper, and magazines while never acknowledging us. How could you call yourself a teacher I always wondered? I strongly wish you have changed your ways, and rediscover the passion for teaching I hope you once had.Sincerely, Jessica Smith Why the Profession? At age eleven my family began to do foster care. We always had two or four kids ranging from newborns to teenagers. All the children came from broken house holds, many exposed to drugs, abuse and neglect. They all seemed to share the same qualities low self esteem, trouble trusting, adjusting ,adapting, and staying focused in school. They needed someone to love and care for them. All these frustrations and unhappiness caused many of them to have behavioral problems.My mother opened her heart to help them with all these issues, having the patience to teach them values and principles,bonding and investing genuine love and care for these children. As I grew older I began to notice the impact we as a family where making in these kids lives. I contributed in every way I could to try to help. At this point in life I knew I wanted to work with children. I have always been the creative type, I love all forms of art. I attended the Fashion institute of Design and Merchandise, and while I was there I realized that all my best projects and assignments were aimed  towards children.Any time I could pick my target audience it would be children. Children is what I know, they influence and inspire me. I  realized  that children are my passion. This is why I chose this profession. I see myself teaching kindergarten or first grade. I want to be the first to plant the seed. I want kids to enjoy learning by allowing them to explore in creative ways. Teaching them to share, and the basic fundamentals they will need for the future. Children this age group are the funnest to me, they have so many questions, they are craving to learn,seeking a new adventure every day.I want  to create an environment where they feel comfortable and inspired to learn. I also like the feeling of being needed, it gives me great satisfaction to be able to make a difference by simply being someone they can talk to, share their feelings and stories with, someone they can trust. You never know what kind of issues children have at home,for some kids school is a way to escape. I love to see children smile, laugh,clap an d get excited when they accomplish a new task. That alone brings me so much joy and keeps me motivated to be the best teacher I can be.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Critical Reading, Writing, & My Learning Patterns Essay
When I was reading the four stories from the learners in chapter three, I noticed that each of them used different patterns to write their papers. Makayla was one learner that used sequence first. She was very inquiring when it came down to what she was asked to do. Makayla needed to know too much and in this case it led her to have a duel and repetitious assignment. The advice I would give Makayla would be to field fit this, trying to focus using a different learning pattern or approach. Makayla should have written her thoughts down first and not worried so much about being correct, so she would be able to provide new information and a more clearly written paper. Another way for Makayla to field fit would be to start in the middle and not focus on a specific laid out plan. Begging and end come last. While reading about the second learner John, I read that he had used precision first. In using precision first, he stumbled over everything he was trying to say and also had written too much unnecessary information. With John doing this, it led his family to confusion and made it hard to plan anything. Seeing as how this was the only way of communication for him at the time, John should have written a more simple direct message and paid more attention to whom his audience was. Field Fitting this situation can be a difficult process in the since that without all the information needed, it is hard to rearrange anything . As for his family, I would have told them to take out the extra things he had to say and try to focus more on the importance. My advice for john would be that when writing anything, make sure you know your audience, and to pay attention to what you’re writing and who you are writing it to; especially if it’s the only form of communication you have available to you. Reading the third learners stories, I see that they used technical reasoning . Paul was more concerned about completion than accuracy. In this case, I would have suggested that he try to use precision when gathering all of the data and facts, instead of just using his own thoughts and opinion s. Seeing as how he uses technical reasoning, another way for Paul to field fit this would be to draw pictures and make graphs as he was reading. This would have helped him better understand and also would have given him a visual on how to start writing his paper. With the fourth learner, Raheem relied on confluence and took too many risks when writing his paper. He didn’t have enough information and failed to use another learning pattern that would have helped make a better paper. My advice for Raheem would be to first make sure that all of the data is collected for the assignment, then try using a different pattern when writing the paper and also tell him to ask for help if he is uncertain about the tools provided to him. Take time to prepare and use your weaknesses as a model to help find your strengths. Based on my learning patterns ( S 31 , C 20 , P 28 , TR 27 ,) the challenges I feel I will face with reading and writing at a college level is when reading, I tend to use t echnical reasoning more. I jump around and skim through content just to get the main idea. Because I do this, I overlook important pieces of information. When looking at what I can do to fix this, I see that I need to make sure I have the time to focus on what I am reading and why. Also, I need to make sure to write it all down so I am not only obtaining the information, but I am also visualizing it to get a better understanding of it as a whole. When it comes to writing, I feel that I am a strong writer. Writing is something I love to do. I always like to express my thoughts, focus on the audience, and use as much information I can. With saying that, I may sometimes use too much information, or I will use sequence and be meticulous with if it is correct or not. One way that I can help get through this is practice and make sure I’m just getting all of my thoughts out. Going back and re-reading is a good way that not only lets me see my mistakes, but it also helps me to learn from them. The three things I keep in mind to make my writing go by easier, is to write free of the rules, get all of my thoughts out first and pay attenti on to grammar and spelling last.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Prisons
Inmates that have contracted AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) or have tested positive for HIV (Human Immune Virus) pose many problems and challenges for the correctional institution in the United States. Initially treating an inmate for this particular disease is very expensive to treat. These treatment costs falls upon the corrections system. Another aspect of inmates with AIDS or HIV present a safety concern for many involved in the corrections system. With the disease being so easily transmitted anyone who comes in contact with an infected inmate could be at risk. A final problem that an AIDS inmate creates is what to do with an inmate that is infected. The cost of treatment for anyone who has AIDS is very expensive. The health care that is currently provided to inmates is insufficient. Numerous inmates die from AIDS related deaths due to poor health care in the correctional system. Funding is given by National and State governments to combat this issue inside America’s prisons. â€Å"In New Jersey, the annual expense for treating one prisoner with HIV cocktail costs from $10,000 to $15,000, and the cost jumps to $70,000 for prisoners for prisoners with full-blown AIDS†Welch. The medical plan that New Jersey has in place covers about $2,900 per inmate only. The funding is not inadequate and many inmates have died needlessly. Since there is no cure for AIDS, there is no easy to way to solve this problem. The only thing the correctional system can do is to try and delay the onset and symptoms of the disease. Safety is always the foremost concern of prisons in the United States. Inmates that have AIDS can have the upper hand in many aspects. Guards must take special precautions when dealing with an inmate that has contracted the disease. If inmates with the disease decide to attack another prisoner or guard they could transmit the disease easily. Many citizens along with prison officials would like to hav... Free Essays on Prisons Free Essays on Prisons PRISONS DO NOT WORK Right now in the United States of America murderers, rapists, and child molesters are being set free. Prisoners are watching T.V., eating a meal, and using exercise equipment while law abiding citizens are starving and living in the gutters. Prisoners even have their own periodical. Dangerous criminals are walking the streets and crime is a way of life to many Americans. In America, crime does pay because our nations prison system is not working. The nations prison system must be changed because of major problems with the system such as overcrowding and the fact that early release programs do not work. Building more jails is expensive and does not solve anything. These problems can be solved by giving prisoners no chance for parole and imprisoning only violent offenders. The non-violent offenders should enter a work program for the duration of their sentence. Since 1980, jail and prison populations have grown by 172 percent(United States 11 Sept. 1994). Overcrowding is both inhumane to the prisoner and dangerous to the prison staff. When you put a lot of people, especially criminals, in close quarters tensions rise and the chance of a riot increases. If a riot occurs both prisoners and guards are put in danger. In Texas the jails are full. There is an estimated backlog of 29,000 state prisoners who are incarcerated in county jails awaiting new cells.(Brida 24 Nov. 1994) Texas is not the only state with overcrowding problems. For example, Ohios prison system is operating at 180 percent of capacity.(Varnam 16) Also, the federal prison system is 37 percent over-capacity(Clark 4 Feb. 1994). Statistics like this are found across the country. Prisons should have two results; 1) keep dangerous criminals off the streets and 2) create a deterrent for committing a crime. Our system has failed to do either. Early release programs let prisoners out of jail before their sentence is complete. This promotes good behavior in ... Free Essays on Prisons Inmates that have contracted AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) or have tested positive for HIV (Human Immune Virus) pose many problems and challenges for the correctional institution in the United States. Initially treating an inmate for this particular disease is very expensive to treat. These treatment costs falls upon the corrections system. Another aspect of inmates with AIDS or HIV present a safety concern for many involved in the corrections system. With the disease being so easily transmitted anyone who comes in contact with an infected inmate could be at risk. A final problem that an AIDS inmate creates is what to do with an inmate that is infected. The cost of treatment for anyone who has AIDS is very expensive. The health care that is currently provided to inmates is insufficient. Numerous inmates die from AIDS related deaths due to poor health care in the correctional system. Funding is given by National and State governments to combat this issue inside America’s prisons. â€Å"In New Jersey, the annual expense for treating one prisoner with HIV cocktail costs from $10,000 to $15,000, and the cost jumps to $70,000 for prisoners for prisoners with full-blown AIDS†Welch. The medical plan that New Jersey has in place covers about $2,900 per inmate only. The funding is not inadequate and many inmates have died needlessly. Since there is no cure for AIDS, there is no easy to way to solve this problem. The only thing the correctional system can do is to try and delay the onset and symptoms of the disease. Safety is always the foremost concern of prisons in the United States. Inmates that have AIDS can have the upper hand in many aspects. Guards must take special precautions when dealing with an inmate that has contracted the disease. If inmates with the disease decide to attack another prisoner or guard they could transmit the disease easily. Many citizens along with prison officials would like to hav...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Homosexuality Essays (2573 words) - Sexual Orientation, Free Essays
Homosexuality Essays (2573 words) - Sexual Orientation, Free Essays Homosexuality Homosexuality- The Major Cause of Homosexuality The origins of human sexuality and homosexuality in particular have puzzled philosophers, theologians and ordinary people for thousands of years. In scatter cultures, homosexuals have been regarded as a normal part of life, however, same sex attraction to most cultures have been treated as an unforgivable sin or a terrible crime. Many psychologists and psychiatrist had attempted to treat and counsel the homosexuals. In our social norm, male attracts to female and female attracts to male. To everyone this is a natural and biological urge. However, there is a significant minority who attracts to their own sex. Its about five percent of the population in the world. There are many opposing viewpoints of whether it derives from variation in our genes or our physiology, from the intricacies of our personal history or from convergence of these? Is it for that matter a choice rather than a compulsion? Chances are no one factor or study can alone explicate and clarify the human sexual orienta tion. However, there are evidences that prove being gay is not a choice. The nature of homosexuality primarily comes from ones biological sexual orientation and the environment is just a source to bring forth or repress the behavior Many researchers and scientists have long search for the distinguishable brain structures, the biochemistry in the human brains to differentiate the differences to classify between the two obvious sexes we now have in our society, male and female. Such sex differentiation of the brains structure is called sexual dimorphism. . (LeVay/ Hamer 22) The first significant observation of sexual dimorphism performed in an animal laboratory. Roger A. Gorski, a professor at University of California, Los Angeles, conducted an experiment on rats. In 1978, Gorski examined the rats hypothalamus, a region at the base of its brain that is involved in instinctive behaviors and regulation of metabolism. He discovered there is a group on front of the hypothalamus is several times larger in millimeter of the male rats compared to the female rats. The cell group is very small but it could be easily observed on a stained slice when being viewed under a microscope. More interestingly, Gorskis finding applied to the sexual orientation between males and females. That particular group of cell is known as the medial preoptic are has been involved in the sexual behaviors typically displayed in males. For instance, if there is a male rat has a injury medial preoptic area, he apparently couldnt indifferent to sex with another female. From the study of G orski and his co-workers, we now know the androgen is the typical male hormone and the estrogen is the female hormone played a major role in bring about dimorphism during the fetus development. (LeVay/Hamer 23) Another finding also involved with Gorski and his colleagues at U.C.L.A, especially with his student, Dr. Laura S. Allen. They also found the dimorphic structure in the human brain. A cell group named INAH3, shorten for the third interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus, in the medial preoptic region of the hypothalamus is about three times larger in men that in women. (LeVay/Hamer 23) Animal studies make available a good deal of evidence for biological basis of disease, but in this case, sexual orientation. Through a careful exploitation of hormone level on rats, Gorski as been able to produce male rodents that demonstrate feminine behavior and injected into the female fetus that develop with the male fetus and it appear to be masculine because of the male testosterone. They also look and act more like males. In addition, they are less attractive to male mice (Gorman 60) Related to Gorski and Allens study, Simon LeVay, a British biologist and neurologist at San Diego Salk Institute, who is also gay, performed another study for Biological Studies, in 1990. LeVay decided to check whether INAH3 or some other cell group in the medial preoptic area varies in size with sexual orientation as well as with sex. LeVay conducted an experiment on the hypothalamus in autopsy specimens from nineteen homosexual men, all of whom died of AIDS and sixteen heterosexual men, six of whom had also died of complication of AIDS. After encoding the specimens to eliminate all the bias that could
Sunday, October 20, 2019
American folk Essay Example For Students
American folk Essay The dancer is a man wearing leather boots, loose fitting red silk pants, and a white shirt with colored embroidering down the middle. His hair is shaved to the scalp except for a small circle on the top of his head, where the hair is about half a foot long. He squats down low, and kicks his feet out with his body upright and his arms folded. The dance has a historic meaning behind it, dating back to when Russia took over Ukraine. A group of organized rebels known as the Cossacks, who hoped to end Russian Rule, isolated themselves in a fort in the Carpathian Mountains. The dancer symbolizes a triumphant Cossack warrior. During festivals and other celebrations, the Hopak was a common dance. This dance is still taught to Ukrainian Americans today, starting at age seven. At Ukrainian debutante balls, the men who know the dance do it during a specific song, which is played at every ball. There are also professional dance groups who perform the Hopak around the United States and Canada. The dancers today still wear the traditional clothing, but the hairstyle has become much less common. Many Ukrainians forget the dance with time, but those who remember it take great pride in their ability and perform the dance at nearly every ball and celebration they attend. This dance exists as a representation of Ukraines history, in particular the conflict with Russia. However, in the past, it served an entirely different function. The Hopak originates from the Kozac, which is an older Ukrainian dance. The Kozac is named after the Cossacks, who performed it, and its essentially the workout they performed to warm up for battle. The movements were part of a regime of calisthenics to keep the Cossacks fit for battles. The refined Hopak is similar, but with more difficult dance maneuvers, such as leaping and twirling. To Ukrainians, the Hopak represents the Cossacks, who gave their lives to protect Ukrainian culture as Russia outlawed the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian books. The Hopak exists today to remind Ukrainians of their heritage and to serve as a source of nationalism. Ukrainian debutante balls have many similarities to American debutante balls, but the differences are important.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Introduction to marketing - I will attach file with Tasks and content Coursework
Introduction to marketing - I will attach file with Tasks and content criteria - Coursework Example In order to do, the marketing department must carry out effective marketing research as the discussion below portrays. While Steve Jobs, the company’s founding Chief Executive once alleged that his company does not carry out market researches, the company does in deed employ a unique type of marketing research. Apple carries out discreet yet extensive consumer studies thereby obtaining vital information that influence their production. Through such studies, the company carries out an assortment of market research and analyses including brand equity and concept testing among many others. Apple has produced numerous products in the past some of which failed. The company used such product failures to perfect their future products a feature that validates the success the company has enjoyed since the 1990s. Through such extensive marketing researches, Apple develops appropriate products that enjoy immense demand from the market (Ma, 2014). Additionally, the marketing researches and analyses the company carries out influences the marketing technique it uses. Apple uses such marketing strategies as public relations, branding, product diversification and relationship marketing among others in positioning its products strategically thus influencing the high profitability the company’s products enjoy. Such are effective strategies the marketing department at the company devised owing to the effective marketing researches they carry out at the company. Apple uses both consumer marketing research and business-to-business marketing research; both techniques have varied advantages and disadvantages. However, the company uses the two a feature that makes it possible for the company to maximize the strengths of each strategy. Furthermore, the company has a large budget for marketing a feature that makes it possible for the company to carry out exhaustive market researches and analyses thereby
Life is a Smorgasbord Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Life is a Smorgasbord - Essay Example After the dinner, the family went home for a surprise birthday party. As the family left the restaurant, he felt overfed and the idea of making choices in life dawned on him. Making appropriate choices in life create the difference between people who enjoy life and those who have no enjoyment for life. Life is full of choices. Every day we are presented with an opportunity to make a choice. Choices are an important part of a person’s life, however the agency and the degree of importance attached to choices determines the nature of the choice to be made (Lewis 296). The decisions we make in the present determines our feature and therefore it is necessary to make appropriate decisions. Appropriate decisions will therefore involve choosing thing that fit our lives. Due to the importance of making of choices, I always make choices with consideration of the future. The present is important however, the future is more important in our lives since we are capable of deciding it or shaping it. In any choice that I make in life, I always consider its implication on my future life. In this consideration, I make choices that have a positive implication on my future life. Such decision can be based on long-term or short-term goal. Every choice has an opportunity cost attached. Opportunity cost is the value or benefit that I could have obtained if I chose the second best alternative on my list of choices. The notion of opportunity cost has been an important tool in my decision-making. Using this tool, I am able to evaluate the value of choices presented to me by life. Opportunity cost enables me to evaluate the opportunity cost of a particular combination of choices in the presented list. The idea behind making of choices is to determine the best value and to minimize any possibility of lose of value. A good choice will therefore be the choice with the lowest opportunity cost in the presented list of
The Dark Ages and Some of the Challenges Paople Faced during the Essay
The Dark Ages and Some of the Challenges Paople Faced during the Period - Essay Example Famine came about because of the breakdown of societal order which the Romans had maintained. The system of trade and tribute had been regulated by the Romans, and the network had been maintained across vast distances to ensure that the Empire could move troops around at will, and sustain mobile armies in the case of any rebellions or invasions. When these networks faltered, communities became more isolated, and the consequences of bad harvests were more severe, since no help was at hand. Plagues arrived from the East and spread through the region, but there were few people who had the knowledge and the wealth that would have enabled them to heal the sick or avoid infection. Aside from these physical threats from famine and disease, there was also an increase in violent conflict between rival tribes. In the absence of a single overlord, such as the Romans had been, the smaller tribes jostled for position, and engaged in many skirmishes and boundary disputes in an effort to gain contr ol of wealth and resources. This made life very dangerous for ordinary people, since many were slaves, or bound by oath to the service of a chieftain, and they were obliged to take up arms if commanded to do so. The strict Roman laws gave way to the more fragmented social order of competing tribes. Many leaders were cruel, and there was considerable injustice and chaos. Another factor which presented a huge challenge in the Dark Ages was that of religion. Under Roman rule, Christians and pagans had co-existed, and as time went on, more and more of the Empire adopted Christianity. In the Dark Ages, however, Islam emerged from the East and advanced across North Africa, heading up through Spain and into Gaul, bringing bitter religious warfare to the continent. Religious persecution increased, and minorities were often robbed and killed in the name of religion. Christianity brought some advantages, in so far as the monasteries served as educational institutions and places where the poor and the sick could hope for some relief. Once again, however, this benefited the wealthy who sent their children there to be educated, but it meant servitude and exploitation for the poorest members of society, who had to labor in the fields or work as lowly tradesmen to provide the raw materials that were needed to sustain monastic communities. The lack of an effective legal system meant that disputes were solved by violence, and when coupled with the devastating effects of plagues, and poor nutrition, the consequences for population size were very serious. In this period infant mortality was very high, life expectancy was short, and huge numbers of citizens were wiped out due to infection. It would have been very hard for a poor family to bring up children to healthy adulthood. Depopulation meant that communities could no longer find enough workers to take in the harvest, and maintain basic infrastructure. Skills were lost, and architectural masterpieces just crumbled out of negl ect, or were looted to enable poor people to build their own rustic dwellings. In many ways it seemed that civilization was taking a backwards step, and the former glories of Europe were
Thursday, October 17, 2019
A areer in ice sculpting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
A areer in ice sculpting - Essay Example When we see an ice sculpture glistening in the light we are mesmerized by the intricate designs that have the look of solid crystal.The beautiful piece of art is appreciated for its stunning form as it slowly melts away into the pool of water where it started. When the ice has melted and the sculpture gone, little thought is given to the artist that was at the core of its creation. Yet, someone took the initiative to learn this craft, to practice the trade, and apply their knowledge to generate an additional outlet for their artistry and an additional source of income. We are in awe as we wonder; how did they learn the art of ice sculpting and how do they apply it in the culinary trade For those people fortunate enough to know how to skillfully carve blocks of ice, life has been a series of instruction, catering events, and ice sculpting competitions.Learning the fine art of ice sculpting is done through advanced culinary training academies or professional associations that offer cla sses and seminars. The Academy of Ice Carving and Design offers classes that feature skill levels that start at basic sculpting for caterers to advanced classes in "sculpture skills; computer enhanced custom design; closed-cell ice engraving; multiple block fusing; [and] high-tech special effects" as well as safety and marketing (Ice Carving Training Certification Programs).
Performance Appraisal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Performance Appraisal - Assignment Example 360-degree feedback is a more qualitative instrument involving the profiling of employees through interviews and other interactive procedures. Even though each type of performance appraisal instrument may be used for different reasons and in order to achieve different purposes, there are some specific components that run through almost all these instruments. According to Kondrasuk (2011), the extent to which HR managers are able to apply these components to each instrument determines how effective a given instrument would be. The first component is that all appraisal instruments are objective based. What this means is that the instruments are designed with very specific objectives set for employees to attain. Without the objectives, it will be difficult to measure the real performance outcome of employees (Bol, 2011). Secondly, the instruments are linked to the larger organizational goal, meaning that they are set to ensure that employees accomplish the overall goals of the organization. Lastly, the instruments are performance improvement related, ensuring that they critique employees towards making them more viable (Kondr asuk, 2011). Using the rating scale performance appraisal instrument as an example, it would be said that the component that is most necessary for employee motivation is the fact that the instrument is performance improvement related. The reason for this assertion is that when employees are appraised with the purpose of making them better workers; they get motivated, knowing that the appraisal is in place to develop their professional competence. This is to say that employees refuse to see the appraisal as a means to sabotage them but to discover the best from them. Luckily, the fact that the rating scale is quantitative in nature means that it is possible to easily determine areas where employees require more training and assistance to become as productive as the organization require of them
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Alien Relative by Amy Tann Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Alien Relative by Amy Tann - Essay Example Although the narrator tells immigration that Hulan is her sister, she is not actually related to the narrator, just like the â€Å"grandmother†Hulan and her husband leave Feng-Yi Frank with â€Å"was not even the real grandmother†(Tan, 1993, p.622). Hulan, her husband, and her two remaining children leave Formosa the same night they leave Feng-Yi Frank with his grandmother and fly to America, assuming they will be able to send for Feng-Yi Frank right away (Tan, 1993). The fake grandmother takes him back to China and it winds up taking them eleven years to arrange for him to come to America (Tan, 1993). When he arrives, he is no longer the six year old boy they left behind, but a young man of seventeen years (Tan, 1993). He is an alien to the country he has just arrived in and an alien to his family, having been separated from them for so many years. Although Hulan does not recognize her son, â€Å"he stared right at his mother, nobody else†, a familiar stranger , remembering that his parents had left him behind although he does not discuss it (Tan, 1993, p.624). Reference Tan, A. (1993). Alien Relative. In D. Roen, G. Glau, & B.
Performance Appraisal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Performance Appraisal - Assignment Example 360-degree feedback is a more qualitative instrument involving the profiling of employees through interviews and other interactive procedures. Even though each type of performance appraisal instrument may be used for different reasons and in order to achieve different purposes, there are some specific components that run through almost all these instruments. According to Kondrasuk (2011), the extent to which HR managers are able to apply these components to each instrument determines how effective a given instrument would be. The first component is that all appraisal instruments are objective based. What this means is that the instruments are designed with very specific objectives set for employees to attain. Without the objectives, it will be difficult to measure the real performance outcome of employees (Bol, 2011). Secondly, the instruments are linked to the larger organizational goal, meaning that they are set to ensure that employees accomplish the overall goals of the organization. Lastly, the instruments are performance improvement related, ensuring that they critique employees towards making them more viable (Kondr asuk, 2011). Using the rating scale performance appraisal instrument as an example, it would be said that the component that is most necessary for employee motivation is the fact that the instrument is performance improvement related. The reason for this assertion is that when employees are appraised with the purpose of making them better workers; they get motivated, knowing that the appraisal is in place to develop their professional competence. This is to say that employees refuse to see the appraisal as a means to sabotage them but to discover the best from them. Luckily, the fact that the rating scale is quantitative in nature means that it is possible to easily determine areas where employees require more training and assistance to become as productive as the organization require of them
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Fashion Industry Essay Example for Free
Fashion Industry Essay Early Western travelers, whether to Persia, Turkey, India, or China, would frequently remark on the absence of change in fashion there. The Japanese Shoguns secretary bragged (not completely accurately) to a Spanish visitor in 1609 that Japanese clothing had not changed in over a thousand years.[4] However, there is considerable evidence in Ming China of rapidly changing fashions in Chinese clothing.[5] Changes in costume often took place at times of economic or social change, as occurred in ancient Rome and the medieval Caliphate, followed by a long period without major changes. In 8th-century Moorish Spain the musician Ziryab introduced to Cà ³rdoba[6][unreliable source?][7] sophisticated clothing-styles based on seasonal and daily fashions from his native Baghdad, modified by his own inspiration. Similar changes in fashion occurred in the 11th century in the Middle East following the arrival of the Turks, who introduced clothing styles from Central Asia and the Far East.[8] The beginning in Europe of continual and increasingly rapid change in clothing styles can be fairly reliably dated. Historians, including James Laver and Fernand Braudel, date the start of Western fashion in clothing to the middle of the 14th century.[9][10] The most dramatic early change in fashion was a sudden drastic shortening and tightening of the male over-garment from calf-length to barely covering the buttocks,[11] sometimes accompanied with stuffing in the chest to make it look bigger. This created the distinctive Western outline of a tailored top worn over leggings or trousers. The pace of change accelerated considerably in the following century, and women and mens fashion, especially in the dressing and adorning of the hair, became equally complex. Art historians are therefore able to use fashion with confidence and precision to date images, often to within five years, particularly in the case of images from the 15th century. Initially, changes in fashion led to a fragmentation across the upper classes of Europe of what had previously been a very similar style of dressing and the subsequent development of distinctive national styles. These national styles remained very different until a counter-movement in the 17th to 18th centuries imposed similar styles once again, mostly originating from Ancien Rà ©gime France.[12] Though the rich usually led fashion, the increasing affluence of early modern Europe led to the bourgeoisie and even peasants following trends at a distance, but still uncomfortably close for the elites – a factor that Fernand Braudel regards as one of the main motors of changing fashion.[13] Albrecht Dà ¼rers drawing contrasts a well turned out bourgeoise from Nuremberg (left) with her counterpart from Venice. The Venetian ladys high chopines make her look taller. In the 16th century national differences were at their most pronounced. Ten 16th century portraits of German or Italian gentlemen may show ten entirely different hats. Albrecht Dà ¼rer illustrated the differences in his actual (or composite) contrast of Nuremberg and Venetian fashions at the close of the 15th century (illustration, right). The Spanish style of the late 16th century began the move back to synchronicity among upper-class Europeans, and after a struggle in the mid-17th century, French styles decisively took over leadership, a process completed in the 18th century.[14] Though textile colors and patterns changed from year to year,[15] the cut of a gentlemans coat and the length of his waistcoat, or the pattern to which a ladys dress was cut, changed more slowly. Mens fashions were largely derived from military models, and changes in a European male Silhouette were galvanized in theaters of European war where gentleman officers had opportunities to make notes of foreign styles such as the Steinkirk cravat or necktie. Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI, was a leader of fashion. Her choices, such as this 1783 white muslin dress called a chemise a la Reine, were highly influential and widely worn.[16] Though there had been distribution of dressed dolls from France since the 16th century and Abraham Bosse had produced engravings of fashion in the 1620s, the pace of change picked up in the 1780s with increased publication of French engravings illustrating the latest Paris styles. By 1800, all Western Europeans were dressing alike (or thought they were); local variation became first a sign of provincial culture and later a badge of the conservative peasant.[17] Although tailors and dressmakers were no doubt responsible for many innovations, and the textile industry certainly led many trends, the history of fashion design is normally understood to date from 1858 when the English-born Charles Frederick Worth opened the first true haute couture house in Paris. The Haute house was the name established by government for the fashion houses that met the standards of industry. These fashion houses have to adhere to standards such as keeping at least twenty employees engaged in making the clothes, showing two collections per year at fashion shows, and presenting a certain number of patterns to costumers.[18] Since then, the idea of the fashion designer as a celebrity in his or her own right has become increasingly dominant.[19] The idea of unisex dressing originated in the 1960s when designers such as Pierre Cardin and Rudi Gernreich created garments, such as stretch jersey tunics or leggings, meant to be worn by both males and females. The impact of unisex expands more broadly to encompass various themes in fashion including androgyny, mass-market retail, and conceptual clothing.[20] The fashion trends of the 1970s, such as sheepskin jackets, flight jackets, duffel coats, and unstructured clothing influenced men to attend social gatherings with out a tuxedo jacket and to accessorize in new ways. Some mens styles blended the sensuality and expressiveness despite the conservative trend, the growing gay-rights movement and an emphasis on youth allowed for a new freedom to experiment with style, fabrics such as wool crepe, which had previously been associated with womens attire was used by designers when creating male clothing.[21] The four major current fashion capitals are acknowledged to be Paris, Milan, New York City, and London, which are all headquarters to the greatest fashion companies and are renowned for their major influence on global fashion. Fashion weeks are held in these cities, where designers exhibit their new clothing collections to audiences. A succession of major designers such as Coco Chanel and Yves Saint-Laurent have kept Paris as the center most watched by the rest of the world, although haute couture is now subsidized by the sale of ready-to-wear collections and perfume using the same branding. Modern Westerners have a wide number of choices available in the selection of their clothes. What a person chooses to wear can reflect his or her personality or interests. When people who have high cultural status start to wear new or different clothes, a fashion trend may start. People who like or respect these people become influenced by their personal style and begin wearing similarly styled clothes. Fashions may vary considerably within a society according to age, social class, generation, occupation, and geography and may also vary over time. If an older person dresses according to the fashion young people use, he or she may look ridiculous in the eyes of both young and older people. The terms fashionista and fashion victim refer to someone who slavishly follows current fashions. One can regard the system of sporting various fashions as a fashion language incorporating various fashion statements using a grammar of fashion. (Compare some of the work of Roland Barthes.) In recent years, Asian fashion has become increasingly significant in local and global markets. Countries such as China, Japan, India, and Pakistan have traditionally had large textile industries, which have often been drawn upon by Western designers, but now Asian clothing styles are also gaining influence based on their own ideas.[22] Fashion industry The fashion industry is a product of the modern `age.[23] Prior to the mid-19th century, most clothing was custom-made. It was handmade for individuals, either as home production or on order from dressmakers and tailors. By the beginning of the 20th centuryâ€â€with the rise of new technologies such as the sewing machine, the rise of global capitalism and the development of the factory system of production, and the proliferation of retail outlets such as department storesâ€â€clothing had increasingly come to be mass-produced in standard sizes and at fixed prices. Although the fashion industry developed first in Europe and America, as of 2015[update] it is an international and highly globalized industry, with clothing often designed in one country, manufactured in another, and sold world-wide. For example, an American fashion company might source fabric in China and have the clothes manufactured in Vietnam, finished in Italy, and shipped to a warehouse in the United States for distribution to retail outlets internationally. The fashion industry has long been one of the largest employers in the United States,[24] and it remains so in the 21st century. However, U.S. employment declined considerably as production increasingly moved overseas, especially to China. Because data on the fashion industry typically are reported for national economies and expressed in terms of the industrys many separate sectors, aggregate figures for world production of textiles and clothing are difficult to obtain. However, by any measure, the clothing industry accounts for a significant share of world economic output.[25] The fashion industry consists of four levels: 1. the production of raw materials, principally fibers and textiles but also leather and fur 2. the production of fashion goods by designers, manufacturers, contractors, and others 3. retail sales 4. various forms of advertising and promotion These levels consist of many separate but interdependent sectors. These sectors are Textile Design and Production, Fashion Design and Manufacturing, Fashion Retailing, Marketing and Merchandising, Fashion Shows, and Media and Marketing. Each sector is devoted to the goal of satisfying consumer demand for apparel under conditions that enable participants in the industry to operate at a profit.[26] Media The media plays a significant role when it comes to fashion. For instance, an important part of fashion is fashion journalism. Editorial critique, guidelines, and commentary can be found on television and in magazines, newspapers, fashion websites,[27] Social network, and fashion blogs. In recent years, fashion blogging and YouTube videos have become a major outlet for spreading trends and fashion tips. Through these media outlets readers and viewers all over the world can learn about fashion, making it very accessible.[28] At the beginning of the 20th century, fashion magazines began to include photographs of various fashion designs and became even more influential than in the past. In cities throughout the world these magazines were greatly sought after and had a profound effect on public taste in clothing. Talented illustrators drew exquisite fashion plates for the publications which covered the most recent developments in fashion and beauty. Perhaps the most famous of these magazines was La Gazette du Bon Ton, which was founded in 1912 by Lucien Vogel and regularly published until 1925 (with the exception of the war years).[citation needed] Vogue, founded in the United States in 1892, has been the longest-lasting and most successful of the hundreds of fashion magazines that have come and gone. Increasing affluence after World War II and, most importantly, the advent of cheap color printing in the 1960s, led to a huge boost in its sales and heavy coverage of fashion in mainstream womens magazines, followed by mens magazines in the 1990s. One such example of Vogues popularity is the younger version, Teen Vogue, which covers clothing and trends that are targeted more toward the fashionista on a budget. Haute couture designers followed the trend by starting ready-to-wear and perfume lines which are heavily advertised in the magazines and now dwarf their original couture businesses. A recent development within fashion print media is the rise of text-based and critical magazines which aim to prove that fashion is not superficial, by creating a dialogue between fashion academia and the industry. Examples of this trend are: Fashion Theory (1997) and Vestoj (2009). Television coverage began in the 1950s with small fashion features. In the 1960s and 1970s, fashion segments on various entertainment shows became more frequent, and by the 1980s, dedicated fashion shows such as Fashion Television started to appear. FashionTV was the pioneer in this undertaking and has since grown to become the leader in both Fashion Television and new media channels. Despite television and increasing internet coverage, including fashion blogs, press coverage remains the most important form of publicity in the eyes of the fashion industry.[citation needed] However, over the past several years, fashion websites have developed that merge traditional editorial writing with user-generated content. Online magazines like iFashion Network and Runway Magazine, led by Nole Marin from Americas Next Top Model, have begun to dominate the market with digital copies for computers, iPhones, and iPads. Example platforms include Apple and Android for such applications. A few days after the 2010 Fall Fashion Week in New York City came to a close, The New Islanders Fashion Editor, Genevieve Tax, criticized the fashion industry for running on a seasonal schedule of its own, largely at the expense of real-world consumers. Because designers release their fall collections in the spring and their spring collections in the fall, fashion magazines such as Vogue always and only look forward to the upcoming season, promoting parkas come September while issuing reviews on shorts in January, she writes. Savvy shoppers, consequently, have been conditioned to be extremely, perhaps impractically, farsighted with their buying.[29] The fashion industry has been the subject of numerous films and television shows, including the reality show Project Runway and the drama series Ugly Betty. Specific fashion brands have been featured in film, not only as product placement opportunities, but as bespoke items that have subsequently led to trends in fashion.[30] Public relations and social media Fashion public relations involves being in touch with a company’s audiences and creating strong relationships with them, reaching out to media and initiating messages that project positive images of the company.[31] Social media plays an important role in modern day fashion public relations; enabling practitioners to reach a wide range of consumers through various platforms. Building brand awareness and credibility is a key implication of good public relations. In some cases, great hype is built about new designers collections before they are released into the market, due to the immense exposure generated by practitioners.[32] Social media, such as blogs, micro blogs, podcasts, photo and video sharing sites have all become increasingly important to fashion public relations.[33] The interactive nature of these platforms allows practitioners to engage and communicate with publics in real time, and tailor their clients’ brand or campaign messages to the target audience. With blogging platforms such as Instagram, Tumblr, WordPress and other sharing sites, bloggers have emerged as expert fashion commentators, shaping brands and having a great impact on what is ‘on trend’.[34] Women in the fashion public relations industry such as Sweaty Betty PR founder Roxy Jacenko and Oscar de la Renta’s PR girl Erika Bearman, have acquired copious amounts of followers on their social media sites, by providing a brand identity and a behind the scenes look into the companies they work for. Social media is changing the way practitioners deliver messages,[11] as they are concerned with the media, and also customer relationship building.[35] PR practitioners must provide effective communication among all platforms, in order to engage fashion publics in an industry socially connected via online shopping.[36] Consumers have the ability to share their purchases on their personal social media pages (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), and if practitioners deliver the brand message effectively and meet the needs of its publics, word-of-mouth publicity will be generated and potentially provide a wide reach for the designer and their products. Anthropological perspective Anthropology, the study of culture and human societies, studies fashion by asking why certain styles are deemed socially appropriate and others are not. A certain way is chosen and that becomes the fashion as defined by a certain people as a whole, so if a particular style has a meaning in an already occurring set of beliefs that style will become fashion.[37] According to Ted Polhemus and Lynn Procter, fashion can be described as adornment, of which there are two types: fashion and anti-fashion. Through the capitalization and commoditisation of clothing, accessories, and shoes, etc., what once constituted anti-fashion becomes part of fashion as the lines between fashion and anti-fashion are blurred.[38] The definition of fashion and anti-fashion is as follows: Anti-fashion is fixed and changes little over time. Anti-fashion is different depending on the cultural or social group one is associated with or where one lives, but within that group or locality the style changes little. Fas hion is the exact opposite of anti-fashion. Fashion changes very quickly and is not affiliated with one group or area of the world but is spread out throughout the world wherever people can communicate easily with each other. For example, Queen Elizabeth II’s 1953 coronation gown is an example of anti-fashion because it is traditional and does not change over any period whereas a gown from fashion designer Dior’s collection of 1953 is fashion because the style will change every season as Dior comes up with a new gown to replace the old one. In the Dior gown the length, cut, fabric, and embroidery of the gown change from season to season. Anti-fashion is concerned with maintaining the status quo while fashion is concerned with social mobility. Time is expressed in terms of continuity in anti-fashion and as change in fashion. Fashion has changing modes of adornment while anti-fashion has fixed modes of adornment. Indigenous and peasant modes of adornment are an example of anti-fashion. Change in fashion is part of the larger system and is structured to be a deliberate change in style.[39] Today, people in rich countries are linked to people in poor countries through the commoditization and con sumption of what is called fashion. People work long hours in one area of the globe to produce things that people in another part of the globe are anxious to consume. An example of this is the chain of production and consumption of Nike shoes, which are produced in Taiwan and then purchased in North America. At the production end there is nation-building a hard working ideology that leads people to produce and entices people to consume with a vast amount of goods for the offering. Commodities are no longer just utilitarian but are fashionable, be they running shoes or sweat suits.[40] The change from anti-fashion to fashion because of the influence of western consumer-driven civilization can be seen in eastern Indonesia. The ikat textiles of the Ngada area of eastern Indonesia are changing because of modernization and development. Traditionally, in the Ngada area there was no idea similar to that of the Western idea of fashion, but anti-fashion in the form of traditional textiles and ways to adorn oneself were widely popular. Textiles in Indonesia have played many roles for the local people. Textiles defined a person’s rank and status; certain textiles indicated being part of the ruling class. People expressed their ethnic identity and social hierarchy through textiles. Because some Indonesians bartered ikat textiles for food, the textiles constituted economic goods, and as some textile design motifs had spiritual religious meanings, textiles were also a way to communicate religious messages.[41] In eastern Indonesia, both the production and use of traditional textiles have been transformed as the production, use and value associated with textiles have changed due to modernization. In the past, women produced the textiles either for home consumption or to trade with others. Today this has changed as most textiles are not being produced at home. Western goods are considered modern and are valued more than traditional goods, including the sarong, which retain a lingering association with colonialism. Now, sarongs are used only for rituals and ceremonial occasions, whereas western clothes are worn to church or government offices. Civil servants working in urban areas are more likely than peasants to make the distinction between western and traditional clothes. Following Indonesia’s independence from the Dutch, people increasingly started buying factory made shirts and sarongs. In textile-producing areas the growing of cotton and production of naturally colored thread became obsolete. Traditional motifs on textiles are no longer considered the property of a certain social class or age group. Wives of government officials are promoting the use of traditional textiles in the form of western garments such as skirts, vests and blouses. This trend is also being followed by the general populace, and whoever can afford to hire a tailor is doing so to stitch traditional ikat textiles into western clothes. Thus, traditional textiles are now fashion goods and are no longer confined to the black, white and brown colour palette but come in array of colours. Traditional textiles are also being used in interior decorations and to make handbags, wallets and other accessories, which are considered fashionable by civil servants and their families. There is also a booming tourist trade in the eastern Indonesian city of Kupang where international as well as domestic tourists are eager to purchase traditionally printed western goods.[42] The use of traditional textiles for fashion is becoming big business in eastern Indonesia, but these traditional textiles are losing their ethnic identity markers and are being used as an item of fashion.[43] Intellectual property Student modeling at the Fashion marketing event at the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Mexico City. Within the fashion industry, intellectual property is not enforced as it is within the film industry and music industry. Robert Glariston, an intellectual property expert mentioned in a fashion seminar held in LA[which?] that Copyright law regarding clothing is a current hot-button issue in the industry. We often have to draw the line between designers being inspired by a design and those outright stealing it in different places.[citation needed] To take inspiration from others designs contributes to the fashion industrys ability to establish clothing trends. For the past few years, WGSN has been a dominant source of fashion news and forecasts in encouraging fashion brands worldwide to be inspired by one another. Enticing consumers to buy clothing by establishing new trends is, some have argued, a key component of the industrys success. Intellectual property rules that interfere with this process of trend-making would, in this view, be counter-productive. On the other hand, it is often argued that the blatant theft of new ideas, unique designs, and design details by larger companies is what often contributes to the failure of many smaller or independent design companies. Since fakes are distinguishable by their poorer quality, there is still a demand for luxury goods, and as only a trademark or logo can be copyrighted, many fashion brands make this one of the most visible aspects of the garment or accessory. In handbags, especially, the designers brand may be woven into the fabric (or the lining fabric) from which the bag is made, making the brand an intrinsic element of the bag. In 2005, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) held a conference calling for stricter intellectual property enforcement within the fashion industry to better protect small and medium businesses and promote competitiveness within the textile and clothing industries.[44][45] Political activism Fashion may be used to promote a cause, such as to promote healthy behavior,[46] to raise money for a cancer cure,[47] or to raise money for local charities[48] such as the Juvenile Protective Association[49] or a childrens hospice.[50] One up-and-coming fashion cause is trashion, which is using trash to make clothes, jewelery and other fashion items in order to promote awareness of pollution. There are a number of modern trashion artists such as Marina DeBris, Ann Wizer,[51] and Nancy Judd.[52]
Monday, October 14, 2019
Culture Diversity Within Ryanair
Culture Diversity Within Ryanair Main purpose of this assignment to show the importance of Ryan air airline management and leadership across culture. In this assignment I am going to show the theories of leadership and motivation and different leadership styles across different culture and different motivation technique across different culture, motivate across a different culture , the theories of leadership and motivation, different leadership styles across different culture , Manage culture diversity within an organisation, theories relating managing culture diversity, different needs and expectations culturally diverse guests, techniques for managing and building team with a culture diverse workforce of Ryanair Please do not refer to first person (I) Introduction Ryanair is the worlds most wanted airline working near fifteen hundred flights per day from low cost directions across twenty eight countries, involving over 168 terminuses. It was set up in 1985 Ryanair has a team of more than 8,500 people and assumes to carry over 80 million travellers in the present economic time. Its head office is located at Dublin Airport with its primary operational bases at Dublin and London Stansted Airports. It is Europes largest low cost airline and one of the most commercial, In spite of the hard business environment in which Ryan air worked in both 2011 and 2012, the airline has been characterized by rapid expansion, a result of the deregulationof the aviation industry in Europe in 1997 and the success of its low-cost business model. It was one of the first independent airlines in Ireland. In 2001, many believed that Ryan air was like the Wal-Mart and Southwest Airlines of Europe Barret, S. D. (2004) Task 1 Chapter 1 Lead and motivate across a different culture All cultures have beliefs which are mutual for all people in that culture. Many beliefs have same values consequently there are some arguments that no need to learn Indian cultural beliefs and American cultural beliefs. Equally both countries hold morality as faith in their culture no need to check it people only need to understand how these values are bought out in toward life over activities, manners, beliefs . In the modern age of enterprise culture, aggressive competition and strategic leadership for effectiveness in the market, Ryanair has structured its leadership and business classic to report the subjects of organizes an commercial method to the management of organisations for a transformational method established upon achievement. For Ryanair, these issues discovery expression in low-cost and generic factors. Basically these factors are answerable for Ryanairs success occurrence. In catching this transformational, change-oriented quantity of Ryanair. A distressing business ideal tests the strategies used by the present well-established organisations in the market. Its main attention is on price understanding of customers. , noticing these things that Michael OLeary, the CEO of Ryanair has been at the centre of economy and low-cost revolt that has produced an detonation in the airline industry. Ryanairs leadership success is contingent on the economic condition in the United Kingdom i n the stir of the de ruling strategy that allowed new entrants into the aircraft industry thereby opening the rule that completed air manageable partial preserve of the rich class, and the inflexible commercial spirit that OLeary displays(Arredondo, P., 2011) Motivation is a massive matter. The base of motivation may change in people. In the determination location, many have self-confidence in that the side by side of agreement at work is a durable negotiator. It is true that people alter throughout their life. A person who once was motivated by change may or not like it any shorter. Though, the person who beloveds lifelessness may essential to involvement alteration to obtain almost different in their lives, fairly new than what they been doing for many, several years. 1.1 Theories of leadership and motivation (Ryanair ) Interest in leadership improved for the period of the early twentieth century. Early leadership theories motivated on abilities notable between leaders and followers, whereas following theories considered at other variables such as situational features and proficiency levels. Although many diverse leadership theories have occurred, maximum can be confidential 1. Contingency Theories: Contingency theories of leadership focus on certain variables associated to the atmosphere that might determine which particular style of leadership is best appropriate for the condition. According to this theory, no leadership style is best in all states. Success is determined by a number of variables, including the leadership style, qualities of the followers and aspects of the situation. Contingency theory adopts no one accurate way to lead will fit all conditions. In this approach states that there is no perfect way to lead an establishment rather situations govern the way to lead at an assumed time. In addition, there is a serious correlation or affinity between situational and contingency theory of leadership. Both suggest that sets of structure to lead depend on the problem at hand. Contingency theory is a class of behavioural theory that claims that there is no best method to Ryanair or leads a government. Instead, the ideal progression of action is c ontingent on the internal and external factors or conditions. Thus, contingency approach to leadership pressures related factors as significant influence on leader success. Bass, B. M. (1985 4. Situational Theories: Situational theories recommend that leaders preference the best classification of attainment based upon situational variables. Different styles of leadership of Ryanair may be more appropriate for positive types of decision-making. That anxieties follower development, an extension, the point actuality strained is that there is a break from organizational model scientific management largely mistreated the impacts of the environmental factors as well as encouraged vertical management structure, a departure from flat management arrangement. Ryanairs contingency or situational leadership, the symbol is that it is based upon leader-match theory, Theories of Motivation Motivation is the different, internal method that strengthens, leads, and sustains behaviour. It is an individual strength that bases one to perform in a particular way .Most often, motivation is the term used to explain peoples behaviour. Effective directors are said to be highly encouraged. A team leader who eludes work is said to be unmotivated Equity Theory: Motivation theories can help directors understand how to motivate their staff. The equity theory of motivation is based on the fact that individuals are inspired first to achieve and then to preserve a sense of impartiality. Equity refers to the distribution of rewards in direct equality to the contribution of each employee to the organization (Ryan air). Everyone needs not to receive the same rewards, but the rewards should be in accordance with individual contributions. The idea of equity likes a development of an input-to-outcome ratio. Alavi, M (2000), Expectancy Theory: Expectancy theory, industrialized by Captor opportunity is a very difficult prototypical of incentive that is based on an uncertain assumption. According to expectancy theory, motivation is dependent on how much want something and on how likely to become it. Ryan air airline sales subjects managers who are applicants for advancement to one sales reservations managers job. Ryanair has had a very good sales year and always get good performance evaluations.D.R., 1997 Reinforcement Theory Reinforcement theory states that behavior that is pleased it is likely to be repeated, although behavior that has been criticized is less likely to remain. Ryan airs is a non-additional airline but it has a high business the assistant general Secretary Ryan air has a very suppressive government and they have very high staff income Ryan air and as result the company is recruiting now agreement labor from activities as far away .Pilots were lately told that in order to development from older airplanes to original aircraft 1.2 Different leadership styles across different culture Nowadays, people from different cultures and value systems are appointed by the business organizations across the world. Western leadership style is supplementary of a participative style somewhere the manager contains his team followers to a positive point in result making. But, in Asia the leadership style is a combination of autocratic and transactional leaderships. An effective leader who arrangements with another culture should recognize their work related social and cultural values to achieve business success. He should also have the ability to organize and main a workforce of diverse cultures. Mosakowski, E, (2000) The leadership style OLeary has started at Ryanair good deal form in a grouping of translation a movement from autocratic leadership to democratic one. Major styles of leadership democratic participative, autocratic repressive and laissez faire representative. OLeary has expanded the leadership base at the top organisation unit from. It is significant to communication that OLearys leadership style has to experience this evolution from 1988 till present in order to recover the then injured, unknown airline, Ryanair, from dripping cash and this essential aggressiveness, confidence, style of leadership that concluded in low cost and non-additional method. OLearys leadership structure as at when he joint Ryanair in 1988 as Tony Ryans particular enforcer to 1994 when he became the CEO of the airline and now has experienced distinction to ensemble different situations. Different leadership styles are desirable to manage with different situations the autocratic style marks logic when an ass ociation is in deep anxiety and needs to complete an express improvement that style would be counter productive when the association is in a growth situation Green, S. G. (2002 Ryanairs leadership style has developed the European air company industry has been unfavourably re-joined. Leadership change is primarily a function of leadership style. Also, it is doubtful from the analysis presented Ryanairs success story is blocked in its leadership style, which has observed a sort of evolution from autocratic to democratic. And the leadership theory that marks the possibility of this new organizational culture change is administered Therefore, even though OLearys leadership model has been successful, it is essentially contingent upon the deregulation strategy in place since its founding. In addition, in order to withstand this administrative success, Ryanair requirements to gain the opposition in the airline industry and alters itself for sustainability. 1.3 Different motivations across different culture Motivation has kept people in emergencies accepted during times. It has been the basis of improved principles of living, achievement, prosperity, and approval. Most leaders concluded olden days have used irregular systems of motivation. The same is accurate of successful managers. The role of motivation in the work environment has great value. Many readings have developed from one place to another various motivational techniques for leading employees towards desired goals. The success or failure of motivation time-outs not on the system itself but on managements capability to like the wants of people with appropriate rewards Objects are needs, which force people to move towards goals. Many theories of motivation have been established with the thoughtful of how workers performances can be strengthened confidently and how they can improve and focused to accomplish favourite ideas. Motivation training in diverse culture needs ID of the positive and negative culture based-factors. Grant, R.M. 2002, Contemporary concepts of culture Several organization examiners contributed to the opinion that perceives culture as- a mutual similar way of existence, calculating and doing which are ideas, shared by members of a cultural group. Culture involves of designs, clear and unspoken of and for behaviour acquired and conducted by signs, establishing the unique successes of human groups, including their expressions in objects; the important basic of culture involves of customs practices that only come into existence in relation to, and in contrast with, other cultural groups. Differences in cultural principles need additional skill when trying to motivate changes in Behaviour. Managers of Ryanair want to correctly understand the condition and strategy an approach that turns a persons morals and needs. The theory of motivation recommends that people are motivated to do belongings as of external honors. Humanistic Theory of Motivation: Humanistic theories of motivation are founded on the knowledge that people also have strong Perceptive clarifications to perform various actions. Once the minor level requests have been seen, the main motivator converts the requirement for the desire to fulfill ones specific possible Adapting to Environments Ryan air managers are said to be highly motivated. A team leader who circumvents work is said to be unenthusiastic. Many workers from the United Kingdom have port their occupations with Ryan air and as result the company is employing now contract labor from agencies. Pilots were newly told that in order to progress from older planes to newer aircraft, they would have to compensation for their own retraining. Politis, J. D. (2004 1.4 leadership strategies for an organization that operates across different culture Organizations are motivated by expert leadership to display them over unsurpassed modifications. Some of the best and most appreciated managements are weakening to adapt to change, implement their strategic plans successfully or prepare for a more indeterminate future. Many top directors complain the lack of leadership worktable strength in their companies and sensation what will happen every leader is conscious of the value of a precise business strategy. Without proper leadership, even the best and courageous strategies die on the plant, their probable never understood. The skill of an association to attain its areas does not be dependent completely on the strong point of will of an only great leader, even upon the efficiency of the organizations restraint of knowledge. A good leadership strategy takes all of these factors into explanation Politis, J. D. (2004 Strategic Leadership is a development, which certifications organisation to be active rather than reactive in shaping its own future. A concentrating organizational lead affords and launches unworkable leadership to Ryanair. A good organisational leader progresses a positive scheme to strategic management, where the management rather than just identifying and answering to alteration. The change in business environment unfair the strategy of Ryanair. New markets or introducing a new service and it also created sources of innovation like a change in market structure, Tie Leadership Development to Business Strategy. Leadership development should originate and end with the businesss strategy and objectives in mind. The respondents well-known that the establishment of an cohesive strategy and system for all managerial development was the leading significance of their learning and development establishments These results imitation an previous study as well Many corporate learning and development establishments The best businesses for leaders consistently execute on the strategies that make for good leadership development. They make enterprise wide standards, practices, and metrics for leadership;Martins, L.L. (1996) Organizational culture is the collective behavior of humans who are part of a society and the meanings that the people to their actions. Culture includes the organization values, visions, averages, working language attach, systems, symbols, principles. It is also the arrangement of such supportive behaviors and expectations that are taught to new executive members as a way of observing, and even thinking and sensation. Organizational culture moves the way people and collections interact with each other, with clients, and with sponsors Ryanair and Marketing Strategy Marketing strategy is very important in order to maintain modest advantage. It is important in order to maintain good relationship with the customers. This is mainly important in the service industry, as well as the hospitality and tourism sector. This is because of the fact that the entire industry is characterized by intensive competition, because of the growing number of competitors in the global market. In addition, the services actuality offered as well as the products being created are hard to differentiate, because the products and services to be offered towards the customers are practically the same Peterson, S. J. (2009) Ryanair were recognized by the Ryan family with an investment segment of a staff of 25. The company launched its first direction in July with daily flights which operate daily from Waterford in the southeast of Ireland to London Gatwick Ryanair is the worlds much-loved airline and works more than 1500 flights daily from 44 sources and more than 1100 low fare routes crossways more than 25 countries, which connect to over 160 terminuses. As a result, it is dynamic for company in this production the emergence of the Internet in the mid-1990s as well as the growth of Intranets and Extranets required airlines to progress their strategy on industrial innovations in order to increase their attractiveness. In addition, they progressively reinvented themselves to main technology suppliers for a wide range of tourism organisations including airlines, travel agencies and Internet travel portals. Cross-cultural understanding influences business relationships, and many training providers offer courses that outline the various basics of the cultural exchange and appropriate ways of doing business with abroad societies. Whilst this is highly applicable, it is valuable to specifically analyse the impact of cultural values on business performs in the tourism industry. Task 2 Chapter 2 Manage culture diversity within an organisation Diversity is much wider topic today Diversity is strangeness or those human capacities that are diverse from outside the sets, to which we belong, yet present in other individuals and groups. Its important to appreciate how these magnitudes affect presentation, inspiration, success, and interactions with others. Organized organizations and observes that have presented barriers to some dimensions of diversity should be examined, challenged, and removed.Diversity also incorporates a wide variety of other differences, including work experience, parental status, educational background, and managing diversity means more than simply observing legal and policy requirements. Managing diversity is defined as planning and executing administrative systems and performs to manage people so that the potential advantages of diversity are maximized Thomas, R.R., 1996 Managing Diversity. Managing diversity means identifying peoples alterations and make out these differences as valuable it improves good organization like Ryanair practices by stopping perception and promoting inclusiveness. Companies should completely redesign the working culture that make possible the scheming of a wide collection of posts that leads to give definition of how work gets done and how diverse markets are approached. All workforces should be held responsible for their performances and human resources results. Companies must create a post bureaucratic organization based upon trust and admiration in which diverse employees are valued and integrated into all aspects of the work. Diversity increases inspiration and innovation and advantages. Diversity helps administrations for inflowing the global arena. Diverse groups mark it possible to improve elasticity and fast reply to change. The cultural impact on management is exposed by humble ethics, attitudes, and beliefs of the people. Culture can mark skill allocation, managerial attitudes, managerial ideology and even government-business relationships. Hall, T. (2005 Managing Cultural Diversity: To manage successfully in a global diverse environment, that essential to identify the differences and learn to use them to improvement, reasonably simply allowing differences to cause difficulties somewhat directors should be skilled how to respect the differences at work and how to work with them to maximize the contribution of each employee, It is a global and diverse company, which works individuals of all confidences. To reproduce the protracted collection of principles followed by their employees they provide prayer facilities across the business and publish religious festivals information sheet on intranet site with the aim of raising awareness on the different cultures across the company. Some religions or beliefs have specific food needs. Ryanair provide a variety of dietary selections to confirm key rations are provided for and foods are considered. In addition, the Ryanair Uniform Committee has adapted the new uniform to ensure that it sustains the company image whilst allowing flexibility to meet key religious needs. Peterson, S. J. (2009) The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations have had a great impression through the Ryanair airline. Prior to the regulation, Ryanair ran attention assemblies to estimate workers views on the changes. There was an extensive choice of answers, maximum persons sensed that the age regulation was an optimistic period and that flexibility was the key to working for longer. Ryanair is working closely with the construction of Terminal 5 to confirm all phases of disability are protected. As a company they are dedicated to confirming that controlled employees can attain their full conceivable. Practical alterations are completed for employees if they are disabled to become disabled whilst working for Ryanair. They work in partnership with the Employers Setting on Disability. They also work with the Disability Rights Commission to support their disability strategy. Flexible working has become significant part of the technique they (Ryanair) work and represents part of a current change of attitude. Ryanair has introduced a number of elastic working enterprises that have progressive women who tend to undertake responsibility for most dependent care. One objective is to increase the focus on work-life balance to encourage women to return near work after maternity leave. It is a priority of our race equality strategy to listen to their ethnic minority employees. Ryanair encourage sharing ideas on how they can work on issues such as career progression, training and development, internal and external recruitment, harassment and bullying. Milliken, F.J.1996 2.1 Theories relating managing culture diversity Workforce diversity is a difficult work to achieve in an establishment. The organization of workforce diversity as a device to raise administrative success cannot be highlighted, especially with modern alterations wide crossways the world Workforce diversity is a main anxiety for maximise of the trades. Workforce diversity, incapacity, old age, human resource management, equal opportunity. The increased flexibility and contact of people from assorted circumstances as a result of better-quality economic and political systems and the acknowledgment of human rights has put most organizations under burden to hold diversity at the work place. The idea of diversity management of Ryanair increased kindness with globalisation and the requirement for more families to banquet globally to influence customers across the world. D.R., (1997) Managing diversity make a modest benefit to Ryanair. Possible benefits of this diversity contain well choices, more achievement in advertising to external and national cultural sectional groups, and an improved passage of economic chance culturally diverse groups comparative to similar groups are new active both in the contact method and work presentation these assistances arise after a diverse group has been together for old-fashioned. Ryanair succeed at diversity if the creativity to make, achieve and price the diverse workforce has the full sustenance of the highest management The organization must connect and worries for diversity to human resource management choices around staffing, group, project, sequence planning, presentation administration, and Managers must know their companys culture principal and then contrivance diversity plans allowing to that culture Diversity of Ryanair in administrations has its assistances but there are some disadvantages of workforce diversity. Some people feel helpless by working with people of a different age, sex, or culture. There is a rise in the cost of training. This increase originates from prices related with meetings, programs and addresses specified to encourage diversity in the company Theories of cultural values Mainly in the workplace, minions expect to be referred. In cultures with a high control distance, dissimilarity is more broadly recognised and power, which is thought by a marginal, is known by the needy majority of people. In a more manly culture leaders are expected to be critical and forceful and struggle is committed by aggressive Uncertainty deterrence rises to the vital for instructions and principles. Weak uncertainty avoidance comprises incentive by attainment and inspiration of inventive ideas and performance. Strong uncertainty escaping specifies a need for rules and some battle to state-of-the-art designs and behaviour. Motivation by safety is likely to be established in civilizations indicating strong uncertainty avoidance. Milliken, F.J.1996 2.2 Different needs and expectations culturally diverse guests Elastic working has becomean important part of the way Ryanair work and signifies part of an on-going change of attitude. There are clear benefits for passengers and for their business and they will continue to support flexible occupied solutions that are appropriate and meet our needs. They support a wide variety of elastic working possibilities that are aimed to meet different types of work. These solutions assist the employee to balance home and work life whilst contributing to the on-going changes wished by the organisation to assist cost reduction.Free and incapacity facilities governments essential to reflect the variety of their clients values, beliefs and cultural expectations. Religious practice Communal and debility facilities workers need to be watchful to the conceivable changes in sacred formal and the influence of a beings religious practice on their politics and value system. Central faith of Ryan air may admiration other beliefs as cults somewhat than official religions however people of any belief have a right to respect.Turner, J., 1985 Incapacity Ryan air needs to contemplate different cultural views of disability and look after of family members with incapacity, positioning the person before the disability, and facilities for people with a disability. Focus on the person, not the disability. Work performs may need to be modified to permit for dissimilar national views and conventions main contact and corporal exchange with the opposite gender. Culturally comprehensive practice It is impractical to assume public and disability services workforces at Ryan air to differentiate the cultural in a fast increasing and extremely modest global market, and in contradiction of the background of the current challenging economic climate, the pursuit of quality has become an organisational imperative for leisure industry trades. Different acuities of quality, yet, make its realisation more problematic, not least since of the very nature of the persons within the market the staff within vacation industry businesses and guests. Lawson, R., 2002 The relationship between cultural realization and superiority There is a correlation between the equal of national realization of the travel business and the following perception of product, service quality on the part of the tourist. Increased customer satisfaction is likely to follow as a result of improved staff cultural awareness and following development of ethnically appropriate products and services. It is significant for tourism businesses and purposes to take this into account in the provision of products and services. Cross-cultural understanding influences business relationships, and many training providers offer courses that outline the various basics of the cultural exchange and appropriate ways of doing business with abroad societies. Whilst this is highly applicable, it is valuable to specifically analyse the impact of cultural values on business performs in the tourism industry. Wendy. (2004, March Undoubtedly the tourism industry and culture are inextricably linked in that it is often the search for a cultural exchange that is an inherent part of the motivation for the tourist to travel. As already illustrated, to meet expectations there is a need for cultural awareness, both on the part of the individuals travelling and, equally importantly, tourism businesses. Customer loyalty is often affected by the perception of the level of service provision. Another aspect of culture is body language and whilst subtle, it is easily possible to offend through inappropriate gestures that demonstrate a lack of respect and subsequently undermine the business relationship. The National Centre for Languages stresses the requirement for cultural skills in business, specifically the tourism industry, indicating that cultural and language skills are beneficial for, amongst others, hotel reception, tourist attraction and restaurant staff, in welcoming guests, dealing with enquiries, taking bookings and guiding visitors. 2.3 Techniques for managing and building team with a culture diverse workforce Teambuilding Insignificant businesses depend on teamwork, objective as significant as their improved accompaniments. When a minor group of people starts employed to near common goals and making results that improve up to more than the amount of the portions, it becomes a team. Positive team employed gets consequences in all areas, including auctions, IT, problem solving and handling new projects. People work more effectively and their inspiration and loyalty to business are also increased. Starting and conference the team, important sides, Positive side assemblies, solving problems. Cultural Diversity in the Workplace, Paglis, L. L. (2002) gradually various incomplete work to the globalization of profitable, nationwide competence is conceivably the most leading ability for effective work presentation in this century. Social competence is the ability to collaborate successfully with persons from different beliefs. This capability of Ryanair is needy on awareness of ones own cultural worldview, information of worldviews, compliant to cultural variations, and multicultural services. Managing culture diverse workforce Developed cultural capability consequences in capability to appreciate, connect with, and efficiently cooperate with peoples crossways cultures, work with varying culture calendar Communication:Providing evidence precisely and punctually is dangerous to effective effort and team presentation.
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