Friday, May 22, 2020
Motivation Case Study - 1769 Words
The purpose of this essay is to discuss the topic, motivation, by conducting a detailed literature review, interpreting the results from motivation self-assessment tests and analysing a motivation-related case study. This paper will be divided into three main sections and the first section will demonstrate the key concepts suggested by various researchers such as Ryan (1995) and Herzberg’s (1996) theory about motivation. Secondly, an analysis of outcomes from personal motivation surveys will indicate my work behaviour and they will be underpinned by the literature discussed in the first section. The third section will use needs, equity, expectancy and goal-setting to discuss the case study and this paper will conclude with implications for†¦show more content†¦Fifthly, communication and roll out which should give everyone in the organisation a clear understanding of the program and a plan of how the information is going to deliver to target populations will also need to be provided. The final step is to evaluate and access the implemented programs against to the expected outcomes stated in Step 1. Lin (2006) also recommended few implications as followed: avoiding emphasis on organisational rewards (e.g. promotion incentives and bonuses) as a fundamental knowledge exchanging method due to extrinsic rewards only increase employee motivation for a temporary period; managers can try to increase the enjoyment of a task to make their work more interesting; and organisations can invite employees to join decision making processes in order to increase their employee loyalty and to increase employee involvement. According to my results of conducting the human needs survey (Alderfer, 1972) I scored 15, 19 and 14 for growth, relatedness and existence needs. As discussed in the previous section, relatedness needs are one of the essential criteria when assessing job satisfaction which will have strong influences on employee motivation (Fernet et al., 2008). I got 19 points out of 20, the maximum score, for relatedness needs which indicate that this category of needs is substantially unsatisfied in my current life and they are also the most important points which will motivate me when undertaking a job. The questions in theShow MoreRelatedMotivation Case Study On Motivation1756 Words  | 8 Pages PERSONAL CASE ANALYSIS â€Æ' Contents INTRODUCTION 2 BACKGROUND 3 MOTIVATION KEY ISSUES 3 ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS 4 OFFER REWARDS 4 PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION 5 PROPOSED SOLUTION 5 CONCLUSION 5 RECOMMENDATIONS 6 REFERENCES 7 â€Æ' INTRODUCTION Motivation is the basic needs to improve the performance in the workplace to attain a goal. In today’s era, the impossible things are going to be possible through effective motivation which gives us the quality of work. 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